
Problem with level of detail (0.6.4 release)

  • Dejan Kropec

    Dejan Kropec - 2008-09-02


    I have a little problem in the new release of Prim.Blender ( 0.6.4 ).

    The script works fine, when I model prims, and the Blender doesn't crash or any thing similar. But the problem show out, if I want to change the detail level of a prim ! The detail level is always 3, no matter what I do.

    If i load a .prims file, the detail level is good, if i change anything else in the prim, the detail level jumps to 3. Don't know what the problem is.

    I have worked with previusly release (0.4.1 i think), and there detail level worked fine. I have installed the new Python to, and no success either.

    Could please anybody help me.

    Can I use the 0.4.1 release end import with the 0.6.4 ( a have saw that the XML file changed ) ??

    Best Regards, Dejan

    • Tom

      Tom - 2008-09-02

      Hi there.

      First of all, XML files should be backwards compatible, meaning using ANY old version should be supported. This is part of my regressions testing, so if you experience any difficulties in this, please let me know.

      Regarding level of detail differences, I'd be curious if the prim you're using is sculpted, as this should be the only type that is capped at 3 as its upper bound.

      You may also experience some sliders "snapping back" to their original values on slower systems -- this is due to an interface workaround that I currently use until Blender exposes a generic object update event to the Python API (forcing me to use a timer currently).

      If you continue to experience these problems, please drop me an email (mercen4ry [at] gmail [dot] com) with detailed steps to reproduce the issue, and I'll add it to my queue for the next revision's fixes.


    • Tom

      Tom - 2008-09-04

      Yes, using the older tool with the latest importer will work.

      Just be aware that you may have to touch the importer once to set it to "Compatibility Mode" (this process is pretty straightforward).

    • Tom

      Tom - 2008-10-12

      This bug has been documented and fixed in the next version.


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