
September 2017 Community Choice Project of the Month Vote

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  • Joan Nadene Uy Ang

    The candidates for SourceForge Project of the Month for September 2017 are:

    Shortname Project Name
    parrotsecurity Parrot Security OS - Cloud friendly pentesting OS for security, anonimity, cryptography
    fedberry FedBerry - A Fedora Remix for Raspberry Pi® 2/3 computers
    gnuplot gnuplot - A portable, multi-platform, command-line driven graphing utility
    wxpython wxPython - A wrapper for the cross-platform, GUI API toolkit wxWidgets
    cpuminer cpuminer - A CPU miner for Litecoin, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies
    flightgear FlightGear - Free open-source multiplatform flight simulator
    jasperstudio Jaspersoft Studio - The Eclipse-based report development tool for JasperReports
    veracrypt VeraCrypt - Open source disk encryption with strong security for the Paranoid
    eclipse-cs Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in - Integrates the Checkstyle Java code auditor into the Eclipse IDE

    See the SourceForge blog for a full description of each candidate.

    To vote, comment on this thread with the first line in the following format:

    VOTE: shortname

    Subsequent lines, and any messages that do not start with VOTE will be ignored by our tallying script. We encourage you to give your rationale for why you voted the way you did.

    Only the newest vote per user will be counted. Votes will be accepted until 2017-8-15, 12:00 UTC. Votes submitted, or edited after that point will be ignored. See our wiki for a full list of voting instructions and rules.



    Wiki: voting instructions and rules

    • Mihajlo

      Mihajlo - 2017-07-24

      VOTE: flightgear

  • eclipse

    eclipse - 2017-07-21

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • Sandipan Roy

    Sandipan Roy - 2017-07-21

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • Benjamín Porras

    VOTE: parrotsecurity


    Last edit: Benjamín Porras 2017-07-21
  • LLL2yu

    LLL2yu - 2017-07-21

    VOTE: parrotsecurity


    Last edit: LLL2yu 2017-07-21
  • Ayr

    Ayr - 2017-07-21

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • Andrew A. Baker

    Andrew A. Baker - 2017-07-21

    VOTE: Parrotsecurity

  • tiissy

    tiissy - 2017-07-21

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • David M Gutierrez

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • Gian Marco A. Rodriguez Vasquez

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • kslash

    kslash - 2017-07-22

    VOTE: parrotsecurity

  • Torsten Dreyer

    Torsten Dreyer - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

    because it's the best flight simulator and the best project with the best people.

  • Isaak Dieleman

    Isaak Dieleman - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

  • legoboyvdlp

    legoboyvdlp - 2017-07-24

    Vote: flightgear
    It's free, and it's an excellent quality program

  • James Turner

    James Turner - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

  • Keith Paterson

    Keith Paterson - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

  • dg-505

    dg-505 - 2017-07-24

    VOTE flightgear

  • Michael Filhol

    Michael Filhol - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

  • chris_blues

    chris_blues - 2017-07-24
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Geoff

    Geoff - 2017-07-24

    VOTE flightgear

  • waldo kitty

    waldo kitty - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear
    because it's the best flight simulator, the best project and has the best people ever...

  • CaptB

    CaptB - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

  • Nikolai V. Chr.

    Nikolai V. Chr. - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

  • Wayne Bragg

    Wayne Bragg - 2017-07-24

    VOTE: flightgear

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