
July 2019 Community Choice Project of the Month Vote

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  • Joan Nadene Uy Ang

    The candidates for SourceForge Project of the Month for July 2019 are:

    Shortname Project Name
    paintbrush Paintbrush - A simple paint program for Mac OS X
    makulu MakuluLinux - Hybrid Based Distribution
    laragon Laragon - Powerful universal development environment for creating modern apps with many stacks
    plantuml plantuml - Quickly create UML diagrams using a simple textual description language
    officefloor OfficeFloor - Offers true inversion of control
    x64dbg x64dbg - An open-source x64/x32 debugger for Windows
    orangefox OrangeFox - Fork of TeamWinRecoveryProject(TWRP) with many additional functions
    linux-diag Linux Diagnostic Tools - Better tools for diagnosing Linux systems

    See the SourceForge blog for a full description of each candidate.

    To vote, comment on this thread with the first line in the following format:

    VOTE: shortname

    Subsequent lines, and any messages that do not start with VOTE will be ignored by our tallying script. We encourage you to give your rationale for why you voted the way you did.

    Only the newest vote per user will be counted. Votes will be accepted until 2019-6-15, 12:00 UTC. Votes submitted, or edited after that point will be ignored. See our wiki for a full list of voting instructions and rules.



    Wiki: voting instructions and rules

    Last edit: Joan Nadene Uy Ang 2019-06-04
    • Mathias Picker

      Mathias Picker - 2019-06-03

      VOTE: plantuml

    • satya mallya

      satya mallya - 2019-06-04

      VOTE: plantuml

    • David Marvanek

      David Marvanek - 2019-06-06

      VOTE: plantuml

  • Adhish Mathur

    Adhish Mathur - 2019-05-24


  • Kadek Papong

    Kadek Papong - 2019-05-24


  • weimerd

    weimerd - 2019-05-24

    VOTE: resurrectionremix-pie


    Last edit: weimerd 2019-05-24
  • Kae

    Kae - 2019-05-24

    Can't decide :X

  • Clemens Breuer

    Clemens Breuer - 2019-05-24

    VOTE: resurrectionremix-pie

  • Giovanni Festa

    Giovanni Festa - 2019-05-24

    VOTE: resurrectionremix-pie

  • Arnaud Roques

    Arnaud Roques - 2019-05-24

    VOTE: plantuml

  • Dilshad Ahmad

    Dilshad Ahmad - 2019-05-24

    Vote resurrectionremix-pie

  • Edgardo Cotas Jr

    VOTE: resurrection-remi

  • Octavian Petrescu

    VOTE: plantuml

  • bsorrentino

    bsorrentino - 2019-05-26

    VOTE: plantuml

  • Adrian Victor Lupu

    VOTE: plantuml

  • Demetrius

    Demetrius - 2019-05-27


  • Uri Chandler

    Uri Chandler - 2019-05-28

    VOTE: plantuml

  • Vijay

    Vijay - 2019-05-28

    VOTE: plantuml

  • ivcha

    ivcha - 2019-05-28

    VOTE: plantuml

  • Dibu

    Dibu - 2019-05-29

    VOTE: plantuml

  • palaniappan

    palaniappan - 2019-05-30

    VOTE: plantuml

  • rightpeter

    rightpeter - 2019-05-30

    VOTE: plantuml

  • Alexander Schwartz

    VOTE: plantuml


    JOOWON KANG - 2019-05-31

    VOTE: plantuml

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