
Error could not complete request Query LSUB HELP!

  • nighttraindb

    nighttraindb - 2014-05-29

    Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this post. First, I believe I need to say upfront I am unsure this is the correct forum or category, if not please do not hesitate to point me in the right direction.

    I am looking for someone familiar with this program due to what may be a -- unique -- issue. See Error codes below then read further please.

    ERROR: Could not complete request.
    Query: LSUB "" "*"
    Reason Given: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2014-05-29 02:51:14]

    ERROR: Could not complete request.
    Query: SELECT "INBOX"
    Reason Given: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2014-05-29 02:51:14]

    I will be brief as possible. I have a programmer that has made a special script which allows me to have ONE EMAIL with 100's of "sub email accounts" in this ONE EMAIL account.

    The reasoning behind this is Outlook only allows so many email accounts before it begins to reject additional accounts added...

    This is due to a very unique service I offer.


    This script created is unfortunately and randomly damaging the main mail box and the mirrored mailbox attached to the ONE EMAIL as subdirectories. The programmer does realize that the script created is causing the issue however he unfortunately can not find out how or why..

    So, I am seeking to find a IT Guy I suppose that can find and solve this problem.

    For any further questions please do not hesitate to email me

  • Simon Hobson

    Simon Hobson - 2014-05-29

    This doesn't sound like it's anything to do with PFA.

    This is not a general Postfix help forum - this is for the separate package Postfix Admin which configures/maintains virtual domains & mailboxes using Postfix (plus MySQL, optionally maildrop, and Courier or Dovecot).
    For Postfix help you should head over to and check out the Postfix mailing lists.

    However, even if you go to the right forum, you'll have to give a LOT more detail. At present it reads as "I had this script written (about which I'm giving you no details), my setup involves software I'm not specifying, and I have a problem". Quite frankly, no-one can help you with that !
    As a minimum you'll need to specify what software you are using, how it'a all configured, provide your script(s), and explain how it's all supposed to work. But, it does sound like you've cobbled something together to work in a non-standard way to get around having to pay for a proper client.

  • nighttraindb

    nighttraindb - 2014-05-30

    Mr. Hobson, first and foremost thank you for pointing me in the right direction and providing pointers at how to actually ask the question in the first place.

    I also took note of your final statement.

    But, it does sound like you've cobbled something together to work in a non-standard way to get around having to pay for a proper client.

    Question: Do you know of a particular client software that would allow you to access 100's possibly 1000's of email accounts ? That is the problem I am having every one I experience (know of) limits how many email account setups you can add.

    Again, thanks

  • Simon Hobson

    Simon Hobson - 2014-05-30

    Well the first question that comes to mind is "Why ?" One of my colleagues responded with "can't see any reason unless they're doing lots of spam". A handful of accounts isn't that uncommon, but hundreds ?
    It might help if you said what it is you need to achieve, and someone might be able to suggest a better way of doing it.

  • nighttraindb

    nighttraindb - 2014-06-04

    Hello again Mr. Hobson, your correct sometimes you have to know the correct questions to ask.

    Ok, I run a service for prisoners. Where WE handle all their emails, all messages sent to them are printed and mailed or frankly copy and pasted to them daily . It is a long story however as you would expect anything prison oriented is very limiting... So, my service essentially serves as a middle man.

    Each day, my team goes in and views each persons mailbox (their individual email address) then proceed to send them their mail (emails)

    My problems are you can only have so many email accounts with Outlook and the various open source programs I am aware of such as Thunderbird.

    If you are able to point me in a direction that may be helpful please email me at darnellbarber2 at g mail


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