
How can I use Postfixadmin to configure mail relay?

  • David Lausch

    David Lausch - 2016-10-17


    I'm using postfixadmin to manage diffend e-mail adresse for differnd domains on my debian host.

    Now I want do relay a spezific domain to a internal MS exchange server via VPN.
    Can I configure this relay with Postfix Admin and how?
    Or is this i config that has been done with postfix itself?

    It would be a nice festure...

    Best regards David

  • GingerDog

    GingerDog - 2016-10-17

    I've only done that through a transports entry - .e.g

    /etc/postfix/transports : smtp:

    and in :

    transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transports

    and don't forget a :

    postmap hash:/etc/postfix/transports
    postfix reload
  • Simon Hobson

    Simon Hobson - 2016-10-19

    I did some modification on my system to enable this and it's up for posterity in the wiki It's far from perfect, but it works.
    In your case, you setup the domain with transport type relay, put the IP address or FQDN in the description, and the rest should "just work" - you do have to create an alias for every user you want mail to be accepted for, or a wildcard alias if you want to be part of the spam problem.
    The VPN is irrelevant provided you have your routing set up properly.

  • appspotio

    appspotio - 2020-02-28

    Hi, i know this is an old thread, but am little confused tho, say i want to host multiple domains but for smtp i wish to use a mail realy mailgun , sedngrid ..etc and still have inbound normally. is this what i need?

  • Simon Hobson

    Simon Hobson - 2020-02-29

    Just to clarify, you are looking for a normal setup (host mailboxes in multiple domains) - but route all outgoing mail via another system rather than sending them directly ? If that is the case, then the wiki page mentioned is not appropriate for you - that is for when you want to host an inbound mail relay (you publish your address in MX records, accept mail for listed users, forward those mails to the users' real mail server).

    I used the setup you want at my last place, but it's so long since I set it up that I can't remember how it's done ! And I don't have access to any of those systems any more.

  • appspotio

    appspotio - 2020-02-29

    Hello Simon, i already have done the relayhost but getting multiple errors.
    i have this thread also
    can we continue the discussion on gitter please? so i can share my logs?


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