
Schema Mapping

Peter P
  • Peter P

    Peter P - 2007-02-28

    Hello Toby.

    I'm currently playing around with your plugin. And there is one thing I encounterd regarding schema mapping. We have got about 3000 pl/sql files in the project I'm working on right now. Unfortunately the directory structure and filename pattern is not the way your plugin is anticipating it. The directory structure is the following way:

    G:\project name 1\ (the G:\ drive is a mapped network share, which anybody can access)
      - common files
        - pl sql files
      - customer specfiic files
        - customer 1
          - plsql files
        - customer 2
          - plsql files
        - customer 3
          - plsql files
        - customer 4
          - plsql files
    G:\project name 2\   - common files
        - pl sql files
      - customer specfiic files
        - customer 1
          - plsql files
        - customer 2
          - plsql files
        - customer 3
          - plsql files
        - customer 4
          - plsql files

    All files from project 1 are installed into the same schema called ZODE. Unfortunately we can't rename the files to something your plugin can handle regarding schema mapping. Therefore it's very cumbersome to change the schema mapping for each single file by hand to the appropriate schema. Is there a way to do a "batch update" on all pl sql files at once?

    Regards, Peter

    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2007-02-28

      Hi Peter,
      there is not currently a way to do more than one at a time.
      Are you using the Right Click Method on the file to change the schema?

      I will try to put a bulk right click in for this in the next release.

    • Peter P

      Peter P - 2007-03-01

      Hello Toby.

      Yes what I'm doing right now is to do a using the popup menu in the pl/sql editor window to change the schema mapping. But as I said, that's very cumbersome.

      What about providing a selection dialog in the project preferences, like the one when setting up the build path by adding jars? I can imagine whenI add/modify schema details and there is a button "Add Packages". By clicking this button a Directory/File Chooser opens, and all the selected files will be added to the chosen schema.



    • Toby Zines

      Toby Zines - 2007-03-01

      I like your suggestion Peter,
      I will look into doing it that way.


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