
plpbackup: help for newbie, please

  • revmm

    revmm - 2005-01-17

    I am new to Linux (Simply Mepis) and am getting on quite well, but am getting stuck trying to use plpbackup to back up my Revo. 

    The revo connects all right, and the C and Z drives show up in /var/lib/plptools/mnt/.  But I can't get the syntax right for the plpbackup command line. Clearly the instructions in the 'help' are clear to you experts, but I have tried all sorts of permutations which all end in error messages such as 'invalid drive path' or 'no argument'. 

    PLEASE could someone demonstrate how it should be used.  E.g I want to back up the C and Z drives to, say, /home/myname/psionbak where 'psionbak' is either a directory or an archive name - I don't know how it works.

    I would be really grateful for some help on this.  I have been scouring the web for weeks but without any joy;  everything I find assumes (reasonably) that the reader is an experienced linux user.

    Kpsion unfortunately is not compatible with my KDE 3.2.3

    At the end of the day I can boot back into windows and use PsiWin, but I feel I am so close...


    • Mark H. Wilkinson

      plpbackup -f -b C:

      works for me. Drop the '-f' for an incremental backup.


      • revmm

        revmm - 2005-01-18

        As simple as that!  Hooray - it worked!  I thought I had to give the destination path as well.

        Very many thanks indeed.



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