
#587 camera1394: corrected documentation, use libdc1394s debayer

Player (393)

This patch changes two things:
- The documentation was wrong about the configuration parameters brightness, exposure, and shutter: It said you should set it to "auto" for automatic mode. This will not work as the above parameters are stored in IntPropertes, i.e. "auto" will not be recognized as a valid value and will be set to 0 instead of PROPERTY_AUTO (defined as -1) as it should. This patch changes the documentation to reflect that the parameters mentioned should be set to -1 for automatic mode.

- camera1394 currently uses its own very simple debayering methods, even though libdc1394 provides a plethora of debayering methods itself: some with much better results. I changed camera1394 to support all of libdc1394 debayering methods.


  • Sebastian Scherer

  • Paul Osmialowski

    Can you wrap your new code with #if LIBDC1394_VERSION == 0200? (see other such places in code); my ImagingSource camera gives all-purple image when I use libdc1394-2.x so I'm still using libdc1394-1.x. So far camera1394 driver code was supposed to support both APIs, your patch breakes that as I can't compile this driver anymore after applying it.

  • Rich Mattes

    Rich Mattes - 2010-07-08

    Any progress on getting this patch to work correctly?

  • Rich Mattes

    Rich Mattes - 2010-07-08

    The changes have been made in SVN trunk.
    Thank you for your contribution.

  • Rich Mattes

    Rich Mattes - 2010-07-08
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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