
#482 writelog, readlog, and dummy

Player (393)
Rich Mattes

I wanted to log some gps data the other day, but the gps logging was disabled. It looked easy enough, so I enabled it, then figured i might as well enable everything. Then i figured i should fix readlog, otherwise writelog wouldn't be of much use. After I did that, i went to test writelog's new functionality using dummy, and found that dummy only supported about 6 interfaces. Thus, this patch adds support for:


-camera (could use some extra testing)

-ranger (just simple range list, not rangepose)
-wifi (i think, not too familiar with this interface)
-actarray (crashes playerprint for some reason)

I also added basic message handling to dummy: whenever it receives a request it sends it right back with a NACK header. I was having problems when writelog was requesting geometry info from some interfaces, writelog seemed to hang until it it got something back. Sending back a NACK for those messages seems to move things along.

I did try to test everything and it all seems to work OK, but I'd appreciate some help, especially with the camera functionality.


  • Rich Mattes

    Rich Mattes - 2009-09-14

    patch for writelog, readlog, and dummy drivers (made in shell directory)

  • Toby Collett

    Toby Collett - 2009-10-18

    The changes have been made in SVN trunk.
    Thank you for your contribution.

  • Toby Collett

    Toby Collett - 2009-10-18
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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