
phpVirtualBox not working after upgrade to 5.0.3

  • Jon Bennett

    Jon Bennett - 2015-10-30


    I have recently upgraded our SLES 11.3 virtual server from VB/pbpVB 4 to VB 5.0.8 and phpVB 5.0.3 and I can no longer access pbpVB. I upgraded phpVirtualBox by simply copying the new files over the old ones, but I have also tried unpacking the ZIP into an empty folder and configuring it as though it were a new installation.

    VirtualBox itself is working fine - the machines are running and I can control them from the command line. I've checked (and restarted) the vboxweb service. SLES reports it as running.

    However, when I try to open the phpVirtualBox URL I get the error below:

    There was an error obtaining the list of registered virtual machines from VirtualBox. Make sure vboxwebsrv is running and that the settings in config.php are correct.
    The list of virtual machines will not begin auto-refreshing again until this page is reloaded.
    HTTP error: 500 Internal Server Error

    If I click the Details link, I get:

    readyState: "4"
    responseText: ""
    status: "500"
    statusText: "Internal Server Error"

    If I click OK to remove the dialog box, I then get the spinning wait graphic and it just sits there until I close the page.

    Is there a way to get it working again?



  • Marco Ardina

    Marco Ardina - 2015-11-09

    Dear Jon,
    i had a similar problem. I solved removing any previous version of VirtualBox Extension Pack and installing version Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.0.6-103037 (you can find it here ). Like you, i'm running VB5.0.8 and phpVB5.0.3; my OS is CentOS6.7; my kernel is 2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64.
    Maybe phpVB5.0.3 is not fully compatible with VB Extension Pack 5.0.8...we have to wait next release of phpVB ;)
    Hope this help you.


  • Lyle Gordon

    Lyle Gordon - 2015-12-14

    I'm having the same issue on Solaris, just upgraded to 5.03 and vbox 5.10, I tried reverting to the 5.0.6 extension pack but it didn't solve the problem.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Troydm

    Troydm - 2016-10-03

    I've found what caused 500 error in my case: it was line 360 in endpoints/lib/vboxconnect.php
    and it's modern PHP 5.2 use of anonymous function.

    Changing it to something like this

    uksort($this->persistentRequest['vboxEventListeners'], "sortRequests");

    And then adding comparison function to the class as private function

    private function sortRequests($a, $b){
    if($a == 'vbox') return 1;
    if($b == 'vbox') return -1;
    return 0;

    Sovled the issue for me


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