
#27 some errors


Hello good evening, sorry for my bad english. i am german
i have 3 errors after install this game.

  • in the mainsite is the error: "Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object in _/include/common.php on line 14"

  • if in want in the research site, is the error:"Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_array() on a non-object in ___/include/User.php on line 98"

  • the pic from "Magazine" is missing, there is nothing.

i hope you can help me


  • agony

    agony - 2016-03-09

    i use PHP 5.5

  • Raffaele Aldrigo

    What is your Map system?
    What is your City System... you need to specify all intallation data...

  • agony

    agony - 2016-03-09

    I have copy it:

    Sprache de
    Map System 2
    City system 1
    Magazine Engine OFF

    You have PhpSgeX v2.0.2.0
    Latest aviable:
    DataBase v124
    PHP v5.5.32

  • Raffaele Aldrigo

    I can't see the error... You have an installation problem, try reinstaling
    also check database going to: yourhost.something/sgepath/index.php?pg=dbcheck
    (if you have locally: localhost/sge/index.php?pg=dbcheck) and post a photo

  • agony

    agony - 2016-03-11

    Hello, thanks for the answer. I have the script times reinstalled already. 5 But the problem remains, unfortunately. The test I performed. There, everything is displayed with green and Ok. I installed the script here:
    The Check is here:

  • Raffaele Aldrigo

    Now I've found the bug, there was a prefix missing in the code.
    However if you install without prefixes it should work...
    However I will correct it as soon as I can...

  • agony

    agony - 2016-03-11

    Ok, thanks for the effort.
    How to install it without prefixes ?

  • Raffaele Aldrigo

    Just leave the field blank :D

  • agony

    agony - 2016-03-13

    indeed it seems to be working. Thank you very much.
    I have a question, you can not colonize an empty field?
    when I try it, then only the main page. Without Sign colonize over.​

  • Raffaele Aldrigo

    Fixed with

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

    Last edit: Raffaele Aldrigo 2016-03-31