
Import Gedcom: Blank site

  • RaIner Schweipert


    after Installing, setting permissions (777 to index and config), MySQL Connect, I tried to upload a gedcom file.
    But when i click on one of the links to add, upload or create, I receice a complete empty page.

    Thanks, Rainer

  • Lester Caine

    Lester Caine - 2016-01-23

    Which version of PGV did you download. You need the copy from ... 'Download Snapshot' at the top. We don't have access to SF to update the 'Download' pages :(


    Last edit: Lester Caine 2016-01-23
  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2016-01-23

    This has been said on many occasions in the past. You should be using the latest version 4.3.0, which can be downloaded from the SVN repository.

    If you are just starting out, you would be better served by Webtrees in preference to PhpGedView. Webtrees was originally developed from PhpGedView. The main difference for new users is that Webtrees undergoes constant development and enjoys very good support, while PhpGedView has been stagnant, with very little development since Webtrees started. Most of the PhpGedView developers left the project. This has resulted in only very spotty support by, basically Lester and me.

    In summary: Try Webtrees if you're just starting.

    I'm sticking with PhpGedView since I know the program quite well, and it does what I need it to do. I see no reason for me to change.


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