
Dependency Nightmares

  • Bill Chmura

    Bill Chmura - 2003-09-09

    (Insert a string of explatives here)

    I've been trying to install the newest version there.  I have been tracking down RPM's all night and getting all the dependencies installed for this that wants that that needs this that needs this which in turn requires a newer version of the first thing I installed.

    Okay, So its a RH9 system.  I think I have everything, but  the configure is complaining about libgnomeui-2.0 which I have (it cant find it) - I've fot the PKG_CONFIG_PATH set and all.  It also is blabbing somehting about an libgnomeui-2.0.pc file that I don't have for some reason.

    First - anyone have a RH9 RPM install for this thing?

    Second - any ideas on what they hell I am doing wrong, and is there any easier way... 

    like:  RPM -Uvh ALLOFINTERNET.rpm

    I need sleep


    • Bill Chmura

      Bill Chmura - 2003-09-09

      Okay, I think part of the problem was that I did not have the gnome-development stuff installed.  Problem is now I have some newer packages so I cant just do a RH update to get the rest of them. 

      Any ideas?  Or is this not the problem anyway?

    • Archit Baweja

      Archit Baweja - 2003-09-09


      Well I just updated the page. Someone just made RH9.0 RPMs, so I think you are in luck. (Downloading all those development stuff might go waste now). Anyways grab them and see if its OK. And if you have problems with the RPMs I can send them on to the Gawain who made them.


    • Bill Chmura

      Bill Chmura - 2003-09-09

      Well that sounds fantastic!  I looked on the files page and did not see any RPM's though.  Its got the same stuff as it did before.

      Maybe it just has not updated yet...

      I will check again in a little while



    • Bill Chmura

      Bill Chmura - 2003-09-09

      Okay, here are a few notes:  On the top of the sourceforge summary page, the home page link does not go to the web page, but back to the summary page.  I did not know there was a web page (and then I found the RPMS).

      The RPMS however did not work for me.  They required gtkhtml3 >= 3.0 and libgtksourceview-1.0

      So started the same dependency installing hell, and then decided to just wait to see if we can get a fixed one

      Thanks anyway

    • Archit Baweja

      Archit Baweja - 2003-09-11

      A tip, you can (more often than not) get RPMs for most programs from or other such site.

    • Astinsan

      Astinsan - 2006-05-22

      What a baby...


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