

Peace Equalizer, an user interface for Equalizer APO which must be installed first to be able to run Peace. Don't install Equalizer APO version 0.9, but 0.9.1 or higher.

Peace is your Windows PC equalizer, effects instrument, audio mixer, audio router, bass booster, etc.

Note: Your virus scanner can detect a virus in PeaceSetup.exe or Peace.exe. This is not a virus but a false positive. More info on this subject is available on the Viruses and false positives forum. Please report a false positive to your antivirus vendor by using this post for instance.

Download Peace Equalizer, UI for Equalizer APO Other downloadable Peace files

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Installation: Install Equalizer APO then run the downloaded PeaceSetup.exe. Or move the downloaded Peace.exe to the config folder of Equalizer APO.

Downloadable Peace files such as configurations (e.g. EQ's, presets, profiles) you'll find on the Files page. More configurations for specific headphones, speakers and microphones you'll find here.

Use this equalizer to match your audio preference. By saving an equalizer configuration (preset) you need only 1 click or key press to activate it again.

[How to use Peace]
[FAQ and troubleshooting]
[Headphones and hearing test interface]
[Help manual]
[Configurations (EQ and Effect presets) ]
[Viruses and false positives]
[Video Tutorials]
Source code on Files page

A multichannel 31 sliders equalizer is possible with Peace.

- immediate response when you move a slider
- up to 31 gain dB sliders per channel/speaker, so acting like a professional equalizer (and more unlimited sliders by adding channels)
- 5 default equalizer configurations, setups as base to start equalizing (5 band, octave frequencies, 1/3 octave frequencies 31 sliders)
- several other configurations like dance, rock, bass boost for you to use
- 9 speakers support, equalizing all speakers at the same time, per speaker or combination (but unlimited speakers/channels if needed)
- per slider the filter frequency, dB gain, filter quality can be set/changed (depending on the chosen filter)
- filters: peak (default), low/high pass, low/high shelf, band pass, notch (band elimination), all pass (phase shifting) and others like Linkwitz-Riley and Buttersworth
- pre amplifying dB values for volume control per channel/speaker and overall
- graph of your filters (transfer function) per speaker/speaker combination
- pre amplifying slider window for easy access, can be sized and positioned for instance on the taskbar
- make, save and use your own equalizer configuration (preset)
- attach a hotkey to your configuration to activate it quickly within other software (a game for example)
- activating a saved setting by 1 click, attached hotkey, through Windows system tray or desktop shortcut
- 2 or more configurations active by putting them in the "Always active" list on the Automation window
- minimize to tray: select a configuration through tray, mute audio and change main pre amplifying
- your can choose a specific device to equalize
- apply effects such as balancing, up/downmixing, crossfeeding, bass and treble, channel routing
- play around by expanding, compressing, shifting the sliders through buttons
- audio can be muted by clicking or hotkey if you set it up
- the equalizer can be switched on and off for testing the difference
- headphones and hearing test interface for creating equalizations based on your headphones and personal hearing
- automation: you can let Peace automatically activate a configuration (equalization, etc.) when a program starts or a device is selected
- still enter Equalizer APO commands in a separate window with support like examples and testing
- through the settings window you can change the behavior and look
- language support: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Español, Français, Nederlands, Italiano, Pусский, Türkçe, Українська (I'm looking for volunteers to translate to these and other languages)
- support for themes

As said besides all of this you can entered your own Equalizer APO commands in the Commands window, which can be executed before and after the Peace commands. In the commands window you can test the entered commands. The commands are saved with your equalizer configuration.

If you feel up to it you can make your own language file and if you send it to me I'll add it to the languages.

- Pre amplifying mute settings in Peace isn't the same as the mute of the Windows volume slider. Instead use the mute setting beneath the Peak level meter.
- A high pre amplifying can cause audio serious clipping and thus distortion.
- Peace configurations are stored in the config folder. A different folder can be set in the settings.
- Some limitions on multichannel low frequencies usage as explained by Jonas Thedering in his wiki.
- Equalizer APO has a limit of 22050 Hz. Current Peace versions don't allow this but don't use higher frequencies.
- Don't use Equalizer APO version 0.9, but use 0.9.1 or higher. Or 0.8.1.

Peter Verbeek

ps Suggestions are welcome. Registered users can email me on or leave a message in YouTube.


Peace Wiki: Configurations (EQ and Effect presets)
Peace Wiki: FAQ and troubleshooting
Peace Wiki: Headphones and hearing test interface
Peace Wiki: Help manual
Peace Wiki: How to use Peace
Peace Wiki: Video Tutorials
Peace Wiki: Viruses and false positives