
Running foreground process on PCD

  • Alex Kushnir

    Alex Kushnir - 2014-12-11

    I am trying to implement a multi-process system on embedded target, but now
    I am testing it on virtual machine.
    As part of the implementation we need to make one of the processes to
    listen to stdin (for CLI).
    I am running the pcd with the following command:
    pcd -d -v -f startup.pcd

    The processes are coming up, and even the CLI prompt appears. The problem
    is when I try to type characters in the CLI prompt - it switches to bash
    shell (the shell I've run the PCD from). The process that should run the
    CLI appears in PCD configuration file with DAEMON=NO.
    Is there any way to make the process to fully intercept the user input? Or,
    in other words - can a process run in the foreground via PCD if it is not
    the last process to start?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hai Shalom

      Hai Shalom - 2014-12-11

      You should not use pcd for foreground processes such CLI. Use your inittab script with respawn option instead.


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