
#1397 Open database R-O not work when using Password+YubiKey

V3.41.1 dev (1)

While testing a Windows development build that includes the fix for BR 1393, I encountered the below issue using the scenario outlined.

  • Create a new db and use Password+Yubikey for the safe combination
  • Create an entry in the db and save it
  • Close the db and exit Password Safe
  • Launch Password Safe
  • Select the db from step 1 and on the Enter Safe Combination Entry dialog check the 'Open as read-only' and open the safe.

After safe opens you'll find that it is not opened read only and the entry can be edited.

Occasionally I had also encountered a "Failed to switch from R/W to R-O: Could not release database lock. Try exiting and restarting progam." message when using Password+YubiKey for the safe Combination with the development build, but I don't have a good reproducible scenario to provide for it. I mention this here ad these two issues might be related.


  • DrK

    DrK - 2017-02-26

    fixed with commit 479fab882 and will be in the next release (Note: this issue was only in the current development version due to the fix for BR1393 and not in any previously released version).

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2017-03-19
    • Status: open --> pending
  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2017-07-08
    • Status: pending --> closed

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