
#1381 Run Command w/ Shortcuts

Timothy B

I setup a run command to open PuTTY sessions using Password Safe. The shortcuts should pull their own title/username instead of using the base shortcuts'. The goal is to set my password once instead of creating & maintaining multiple entries.

Here is the Run Command argument:
putty ${u}@$t -pw $p

Here is the output of Copy Run Command to Clipboard (base & shortcut results match):
putty admin@.PuTTY -pw P@ssw0rd

2 Attachments


  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-11-17

    Sounds like Alias entries would be better for what you are trying to do. The Alias entry would get it's password from one base entry and each Alias entry would provide the title and username for the Run Command.

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-11-18

    To use Aliases following your example, the following should work:

    1. create a Group a called PuTTY
    2. Add an Entry in Group PuTTY with title PuTTY, leave Username empty and make the Password the common password for all you PuTTY Alias entries
    3. Add Alias entry #1 in Group PuTTY with title being the IP address, Username admin (or whatever) and set Passoword to [PuTTY:PuTTY] and set the Run Cmd to putty ${u}@$t -pw $p
    4. Add Additional Alias entry just like step #3 but using different IP address and username
  • Timothy B

    Timothy B - 2016-11-18

    Ah, thank you. That was not obvious at all. Do you know if I can reference the run command in the alias base instead of duplicating an existing alias? I ask since I may want to modify the run command in the future.

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-11-18

    I don't know of a way for an Alias entry Run Cmd to reference the base entry. This would probably need to be a feature request. Maybe all that would be needed is a little check box available only in an Alias entry to indicate whether it's Run Cmd is from the base or not.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-11-19

    There has been some inconsistencies within PasswordSafe on what fields are used from where with shortcuts since BR1124 was implemented some time ago. This has been resolved for the next release (3.41).

    In this release, using AutoType and the Run Command via a shortcut will use the group, title and username from the shortcut but everything else will come from its base, including the actual AutoType string and Run Command used.

    Similarly, when using an alias, everything, including the actual AutoType string and Run Command used, will come from the alias itself except the password and last password (new in this release), which will come from its base.

  • MrMe

    MrMe - 2016-11-21

    Okay. So Timothy should be able to use shortcut entries the way he initially wanted to when v3.41 is released.

  • Timothy B

    Timothy B - 2016-11-21

    Awesome, I will wait for the offical update. Thanks DrK and MrMe.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2016-11-21
    • status: open --> pending
  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2016-12-09
    • Status: pending --> closed

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