
Pandora FMS: Flexible Monitoring System / News: Recent posts

IT Support Levels: Optimizing the Support Service through Tiers 0 to 4

Content: Introduction The 5 levels of IT support: description, functions and
skills Establishing a tiered help structure Conclusion Frequently Asked
Questions Introduction Importance of information Technology (IT) support
Information Technology (IT) support, also known as technical support, is
essential for the successful and efficient operation of organizations in the
digital age. It helps ensure the […]... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-07

Unraveling the Dangers of Phishing: From Basics to Effective Prevention

Content: What is phishing? Key elements in a phishing attack Types of phishing
How to detect Phishing attacks? How to prevent a Phishing attack? Protecting
your organization from phishing Other tips to prevent phishing attacks in the
business environment Conclusion Surely you may have at one time or another
received an email warning of an […]

La entrada Unraveling the Dangers of Phishing: From Basics to Effective

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-05

What is Cloud Computing? Everything you need to know about the cloud explained

Content: Services provided in the cloud Cloud information storage, databases,
data lake, data analysis, cloud software, data integration services, network
services, other services. How Cloud Computing Works Renting access to services
instead of owning infrastructure. Advantages: avoids upfront costs and
complexities, pay for what you use. Services available Wide range: storage,
networking, processing, natural language […]... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-11-28

Telegram Notifications: Pandora FMS

For environments where you have the need to know immediately if any issues
arise, such as production environments, security or critical resources of your
company, this Pandora FMS integration with Telegram is absolutely perfect, as
it is the answer to that required immediacy, as well as the possibility of
offering exact information about the location […]

La entrada Telegram Notifications: Pandora
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-11-22

Notifications Telegram: Pandora FMS

Content: Telegram Bot Creation Interaction with BotFather Token Retrieval
Group Settings in Telegram Adding the bot to the group Using GetIDs Bot to get
the group identifier Integration with Pandora FMS (versions 773 and earlier)
Downloading and installing the Telegram bot CLI plugin Configuring the alert
command in Pandora FMS Alert Action Creation Alert settings […]

La entrada Notifications Telegram: Pandora
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-11-22

Keys to integrate IT support and manage your after-sales service better

We are all aware of the importance of attracting new customers for business
growth purposes, but focusing solely on this goal is not actually the best
decision. Delivering quality customer service is also key to success. For that
reason, many companies that sell their products or services over the Internet
have decided to implement an […]

La entrada Keys to integrate IT support and manage your after-sales service
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Monitoring Blog
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-11-13

What is Service Desk and how does it help IT departments?

Skilled IT leaders understand that consistent and sustainable growth comes
with a number of significant challenges. Developing IT growth requires a
cohesive strategy that aligns perfectly with the engine of that operation: And
that is Service Desk, the undisputed main character of this journey. Does the
support strategy set the foundation of business growth? A […]

La entrada What is Service Desk and how does it help IT
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-10-24

What is remote access? An open door to productivity and flexibility

What is remote access and how has it transformed work dynamics around the
world? Let's dive in, explore and discover together how this innovative
practice has reshaped conventional work structures and opened up a whole range
of possibilities! What is remote access? Remote access or remote connection,
itself, is a virtual portal that links your […]

La entrada What is remote access? An open door to productivity and
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-10-18

9 ChatOps tips your team should adopt today

Increase team collaboration quality and speed in emergencies with Pandora FMS
and ilert's ChatOps features Pandora FMS is an excellent monitoring system
that helps collect data, detect anomalies, and monitor devices,
infrastructures, applications, and business processes. However, more than
monitoring alone is needed to manage the entire incident lifecycle. ilert
complements Pandora FMS by […]

La entrada 9 ChatOps tips your team should adopt
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-10-13

Alerting with ilert by Pandora FMS

1. Why use ilert with Pandora FMS? 2. ilert setup with Pandora FMS 3. How are
ilert alerts shown? 4. Advanced ilert use: event correlation with Pandora FMS
Why use ilert with Pandora FMS? There are notification options in a
monitoring application as flexible as Pandora FMS, but regardless of how many
options […]

La entrada Alerting with ilert by Pandora
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-10-11

Downsizing in 2023: Transformation into an era of job stability

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, tech companies have faced
financial challenges on a number of times. Microsoft. Everybody knows it,
right? It has again made the headlines due to its decision to downsize, adding
a new wave of layoffs to the approximately 10,000 employees who were
terminated earlier in the year. While sales […]

La entrada Downsizing in 2023: Transformation into an era of job
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-10-03

Continuous Improvement and Pure Excellence: Advantages of RCA in Troubleshooting

As a good technology superhero you will know that in the world of
troubleshooting, there is an approach that goes beyond simply fixing
superficial symptoms. We call this approach “Maximum Heroics” or Root Cause
Analysis (ACR), a charming method that seeks to unravel the mysteries behind
an incident. Through the RCA, the causal factors of […]

La entrada Continuous Improvement and Pure Excellence: Advantages of RCA in
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en Pandora FMS Monitoring Blog.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-09-22

Continuous Improvement and Pure Excellence: Benefits of RCA in Problem Management

As a good technology superhero you will know that in the world of problem
solving, there is an approach that goes beyond simply fixing superficial
symptoms. We call this approach "Maximum Heroics" or Root cause analysis
(ACR), a charming method that seeks to unravel the mysteries behind an
incident. Through the RCA, the causal factors […]

La entrada Continuous Improvement and Pure Excellence: Benefits of RCA in
Problem Management
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en Pandora FMS Monitoring Blog.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-09-22

Absolutely no one is safe from security attacks

Software developers and manufacturers around the world are under attack by
cybercriminals. It's not that we're at a time of year when they're out and
about, barricaded in front of offices with their malicious laptops looking to
blow everything up, no. They're always out there actually, trying to breach
information security, and in this article […]

La entrada Absolutely no one is safe from security
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-09-22

Pandora FMS announces brand unification with Pandora ITSM and Pandora RC

Pandora FMS, a leader in the Information Technology and Monitoring solutions
market, is glad to announce that the unification of its brands, Integria IMS
and eHorus, under the new names Pandora ITSM and Pandora RC, respectively, has
been successfully implemented. Pandora ITSM, formerly known as Integria IMS,
represents Pandora FMS IT Service Desk and Service […]

La entrada Pandora FMS announces brand unification with Pandora ITSM and
Pandora RC
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-09-13

Customer service hiring process: the resume that will make you succeed!

If you have that innate vocation to help others, and you have not been able to
with the vow of chastity that the Church requires, nor with the hypocrisy of
some NGOs, diving into the exciting world of customer service may be the
perfect choice for you. From the hustle and bustle of retail to […]

La entrada Customer service hiring process: the resume that will make you
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-09-05

More modern monitoring: how telemetry and machine learning revolutionize system monitoring

It's time, take your things and let's move on to more modern monitoring.
Relax, I know how difficult the changes are for you, but if you were able to
accept the arrival of DTT and the euro, you sure got this! But first let us
do a little review: Traditional system monitoring solutions rely on […]

La entrada More modern monitoring: how telemetry and machine learning
revolutionize system monitoring
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-08-29

Install Pandora FMS with our online installation tool

Hello again, Pandoraphiles! Today on our beloved blog we want to introduce
you to a video. You know that from time to time we do just that, don't you?
Bringing back some video from our channel, the nicest and most relevant one,
no question, and break it down a little bit in writing. All of […]

La entrada Install Pandora FMS with our online installation
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-08-22

A glimpse into the day-to-day life of a software monitoring expert

Working in the field of software monitoring may seem boring or too technical,
but let me tell you that there is more fun and excitement than one might
imagine at first. Not that we're all day doing barbecues and celebrating, but
once we almost did our very own Olympics in the office! Kind of like […]

La entrada A glimpse into the day-to-day life of a software monitoring
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-08-15

Introduction to Docker: Revolutionary technology for intrepid developers

Put on your seatbelts, intrepid developers! In this era of technology trends
and digital-first strategies, organizations are jumping on board the
microservices train with Docker containers. What is Docker? Well, it's like a
magic box that wraps your app with everything it needs to actually work, like
a file system, tools, and even a roadmap […]

La entrada Introduction to Docker: Revolutionary technology for intrepid
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-08-02

Learn how to monitor Linux computers with Pandora FMS: Full guide

Today, in those much needed training videos, we will delve into the exciting
and mysterious universe of basic monitoring of computers with Linux operating
systems. Ready to unlock the hidden secrets of your devices? Well, let's go!
Before you dive into this adventure, make sure you have Pandora FMS
environment installed and running. Done? Well, […]

La entrada Learn how to monitor Linux computers with Pandora FMS: Full
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-07-25

The incredible secret life of software: What do they do when no one is watching them?

Today, on Pandora FMS blog, we're going to get parabolic, not like the
antennas flooding your city's skyline corrupting the sky with their 3G poison,
no. Parabolic parables. Like Yisus. Thus, through a sweet story that your
mental voice will read in a engulfed way, we will reach an incredible inflated
conclusion of moral and […]

La entrada The incredible secret life of software: What do they do when no
one is watching them?
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-07-19

Server monitoring and inventory management: API in action

Integria IMS has a history that goes back several years. It was developed by
Pandora FMS, the famous software company based in Spain. Today, Integria IMS
has become one of the most powerful tools with extensive global experience in
monitoring servers, applications and networks. External API and automation
with Pandora FMS Both products are standalone; […]

La entrada Server monitoring and inventory management: API in
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-07-11

Cyber Hygiene: Preventing Data Breaches

Since the Covid pandemic began, the word “hygiene” has ceased to be only for
germaphobes and has become the holy grail of health. Washing hands and wearing
masks has become as normal as breathing (literally). But did you know that
your computer systems also need some love and hygienic attention? That's
right! Cyber hygiene is […]

La entrada Cyber Hygiene: Preventing Data
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-07-04

Network visibility makes all the difference! The key to Managed Service Providers to protecting your customer data

In a world where technology is ubiquitous, network security is of paramount
importance. Every day that goes by, cybercrime evolves and becomes more
sophisticated. They improve the materials of their balaclavas and spend more
on incognito sunglasses. In 2015, the damage caused by cybercrime already cost
the world 3 trillion dollars, since then the figure […]

La entrada Network visibility makes all the difference! The key to Managed
Service Providers to protecting your customer
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-06-28