
Create connection function

  • chayden

    chayden - 2008-06-02

    Hi All,
    How do I programmatically create and disconnect a connection. I know with the excel version I can use the PALO.REGISTER function to register a connection from within the worksheet. I love this. Thanks.

    • Andreas Schneider

      I'm not aware of such a function. At least there is nothing about it in the Palo book and also not in the Excel function list. You can of course submit a feature request with a detailed description of the function (parameters, return value, expected behavior, etc.)
      If you mean the source code of PalOOCa when saying "programmatically", you should take a look at* .

    • chayden

      chayden - 2008-06-02

      If you enter the following function(=PALO.REGISTER("localhost","",7777,"admin","admin")) in an excel cell, it will create a dynamic connection(that is not visible in the connection list) to the palo database. Take a look at the following link I had gotten the solution there but I am moving away from excel to openoffice.

    • Andreas Schneider

      Thanks for that hint. As stated there that's a pretty new feature which explains, why I didn't know about it. I'll add it to the feature tracker to be implemented in one of the next versions.


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