Menu under windows bash

  • myname

    myname - 2017-03-16

    I'm trying to run version under bash on a windows 10, I've run other graphic soft like ie gedit, I get this error, though I'm not running any other instance, any way to fix it on this environment?, thx

    ERROR: PAC was unable to load any config file from '/root/.config/pac'... Now starting from scratch...INFO: PAC already running
    INFO: No more PAC instances allowed!

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas


    No problem, ,I already got it working PAC on Bash on Windows!!!! ;)
    I had to change a couple of lines of code.
    I will release it soon!!! :)

    And I also have a Docker image with PAC for Mac OSX!!!!!
    Stay tuned!!

    • David.
    • myname

      myname - 2019-11-21

      could you paste here the modified lines?

  • Garyx

    Garyx - 2017-04-07

    Hi, this is quite interesting and such a tease. When do you think you will unvail PAC on BASH for windows? :D

  • Ricky

    Ricky - 2017-05-16

    holly shit amazing, thanks for that

  • Francisco Jorge

    Francisco Jorge - 2018-09-18


    Is there already a PAC-manager release that works under Bash on Widows?



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