
#192 perl-gnome2-vte problems

v1.0 (example)

With perl-gnome2-vte v11 & vte 0.28.2 pacmanager will freeze when trying to open a connection to a box. Gives this error. Only way to fix was downgrade perl-gnome2-vte

Can't locate object method "new" via package "Gnome2::Vte::Terminal"
(perhaps you forgot to load "Gnome2::Vte::Terminal"?) at
/usr/share/pacmanager/lib/ line 491.
ignoring at /usr/share/pacmanager/lib/ line 1302.
PAC finishing (pac) with pid 548


  • Jairo A

    Jairo A - 2013-12-16

    Reporting same issue here.

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Until I solve it, the best would be to either:
    - use Getdeb repositories to install/update PAC
    - download and compile Gnome2::Vte from '' and copying "xs/" to "/opt/pac/lib/ex/vte_<corresponding/auto/Gnome2/Vte/"

  • vwyoda

    vwyoda - 2013-12-16

    Getdeb would require you to be deb based system.

    I will test your hack.

    But dont you just have to add v11 to this section?
    [pig][brian lib]$ grep -rns Gnome2::Vte * $$self{_GUI}{_VTE} = Gnome2::Vte::Terminal -> new; package Gnome2::Vte; eval { Gnome2::Vte -> bootstrap( '0.10' ); }; ! $@
    and return 1; eval { Gnome2::Vte -> bootstrap( '0.09' ); }; ! $@
    and return 1; "ERROR: Could not load Gnome2::Vte Perl module
    from $RealBin/lib/ex/vte${PACUtils::ARCH} directories! ($@)" if $@;
    Binary file ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.000 matches
    Binary file ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.014 matches
    Binary file ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.016 matches
    Binary file ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.018 matches
    Binary file ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.000 matches
    Binary file ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.014 matches
    Binary file ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.016 matches
    Binary file ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.018 matches


    Last edit: vwyoda 2013-12-16
    • Jairo A

      Jairo A - 2013-12-16

      Hi, did the hack works for you?

  • vwyoda

    vwyoda - 2013-12-16

    Will try when I have time to dedicate back on this.

  • vwyoda

    vwyoda - 2013-12-17

    seems to be fine. Can you please update the code to work with v11 properly so I do not have to hack it to support the current version.

  • vwyoda

    vwyoda - 2013-12-19

    So I take it that its not a priority. Will hack it together I guess. While looking for alternatives with better support.

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Hello every body, specially you, vwyoda.

    First of all, sorry for not having enough time to give as much support and quick answers as I'd like to do, but you know: this is a personal (one person!) free project, which of course does not provide me any benefit at all, except the motivation to see how people do eventually get used to it and want to share it with colleages.

    As you may (or may not!) guess, I have a live, and a job (fortunatelly), which I must attend, and all those evil parts of my life prevent me from giving PAC (and bug reports, suggestions, questions, etc) as much time as I would like.

    Really, believe me: I'd really like to give it as much love as I think it deservers, and I do also would like to be able to attend all the suggestions + bugs I receive on a daily basis, but... you know... I simply can't. I'm a mere human (more or less).

    So, vwyoda, I'm sorry if I can't provide you all with faster response times, but this is all I can do on my own. I'm really sad you decided to "look for alternatives with better support", but I know that "one has to do what he has to do". So, once again, sorry for my bad support, and thank you very much for the time you took for trying PAC.

    To all of you still reading this, I'm working on a PAC version with support for Gnome2::Vte 0.11 (64 bit at the moment).

    Please, stay tuned! :)

    • David
  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Hello again!

    Please, try PAC (it's still hot!) and let me know if the problem went away.

    Thanks a lot!
    - David.

  • vwyoda

    vwyoda - 2013-12-19

    No applogies. Just frustrating when a new release happens and its broken and reported within hours. I work on a couple open source projects as well.

    Anyways its fixed with vte v11 thanks have a good holiday

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Thanks to you for your patience, and sorry for any inconvenience!

    • David.
  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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