Vidar Hasfjord - 2015-05-07


Do I need to create a new version number ? (I don't know how anyway)

Yes, any change to a release branch necessitates a new version number.

Open "source/owlcore/version.h" and locate the OWL_VERSION macro definition:

#define OWL_VERSION(v) v(6,34,3,$WCREV$)

Update this macro definition for 6.34.4.

Do I need to create a new tag ? (I don't know how anyway)

If your changes are completed and tested, and you are ready to release, you need to create a tag (a tag is just a copy in the repository for future reference).

Right-click your working folder and select TortoiseSVN | Branch/tag. In the field "To path" enter "/tags/V634_04". Select the radio-button "Specific revision in the repository", and enter the revision number to be tagged.

I did not edit the "OWLNext Releases" document

Please add a new section for 6.34.4. Then update the [Main_Page] as well.



Wiki: Main_Page

Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2015-05-07