Vidar Hasfjord - 2016-09-07

Having the OWLNext documentation automatically generated from the source code using Doxygen is great. However, the actual documentation is in a need of an overhaul. Doxygen reports many issues during the build, and the actual documentation text is in places obsolete, inaccurate or plain wrong.

In particular, the documentation includes old material from the OWL user guide. Ideally, this should be updated, but that is probably not realistic. The simplest option is to just delete it. Relevant parts can be included and maintained in our wiki [Knowledge_Base] instead, leaving the Doxygen documentation to just document the API.

So if you want to support the OWLNext project and you like working with documentation, and maybe you have, or would like to gain, some experience with Doxygen, then your help in this area is much welcomed.



Wiki: Knowledge_Base