After the following little workaround, the TTS_CLOSE style now works as expected:
voidUpdateTipText(boolshouldTipImmediately=false){constautosb=GetGadgetWindow();PRECONDITION(sb);constautot=sb->GetTooltip();PRECONDITIONX(t&&t->IsWindow(),_T(__FUNCTION__": Called to early (tooltip not yet created)."));WARN(!t->IsWindowEnabled(),_T(__FUNCTION__": Tooltip control window is not enabled."));if(!t->IsWindowEnabled())// TTS_CLOSE will not work unless the tooltip window is enabled.t->EnableWindow(true);//...}
Problem solved!
Alas, it was caused by a bug in OWL: TTooltip is explicitly disabled!
A ticket has now been filed [bugs:#570].
After the following little workaround, the TTS_CLOSE style now works as expected:
Bugs: #570