
EDS ENV-TH sensor (EDS0065) - owserver problem, all readings same at -0.0625

  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-05

    Summary: owserver daemon returns value "-0.065" for all sensor parameters (temp, humidity, humidex, etc.) on a known-good EDS ENV-TH (EDS0065) temp/humidity sensor.

    I have a working owserver 3.1p5 setup on Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, x86
    32-bit. (Intel Core Solo CPU.) Compiled w/ default ./configure options on the server host.

    owserver gathers sensor data via TCP socket from an EDS OWSERVER-ENET-2 hardware busmaster device. I have about 15 DS18B20 sensors all working fine with this setup, for about 3
    months continuously.

    I then bought an EDS ENV-TH (combined temp/humidity sensor), model
    identifier EDS0065. This is listed as fully-supported by OWFS /

    After connecting the device to my hardware bus-master, I checked the
    bus-master's built-in web page and can see that the ENV-TH sensor is
    returning correct readings.
    When I then try using OWFS owhttp to read data from the bus-master
    device, I also get valid HTML files, and in the web browser when I drill
    down to "/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/", I see tables with correct listings
    for sensor data.

    So, I think the sensor and the bus-master are working fine.

    When I then try to connect using OWFS owserver, (after killing owhttp of
    course, and being certain no other OWFS processes are running,) and then
    try to use owread to access the sensor data, I get the same output
    regardless of which parameter I check. This output never changes:

      user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 

    Why is owserver returning "-0.0625" for all sensor readings, all the
    time? (The actual values should be say, 15 for temperature and 50 to 60
    for relative humidity.)
    The only thing I can think of so far is perhaps a bug in an underlying
    library within Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, or perhaps something related to
    compiling & executing on a 32-bit CPU?

    Appreciate help on this problem.

    Here is my /etc/owfs.conf file for good measure:

    #################################### SOURCES ######
    ###### With this setup, any client (but owserver) uses owserver on the
    ###### local machine...
    ##### server: server = localhost:4304
    ##### #
    ###### ...and owserver uses the real hardware, by default fake devices
    ###### This part must be changed on real installation
    ###### erver: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405
    ##### #
    ###### owserver tcp address
    ###### erver: server =
    ##### enet
    ##### #
    ##################################### OWFS ##########################
    ##### #
    ##### mountpoint = /mnt/1wire
    ##### allow_other
    ##### #
    ################################### OWHTTPD #########################
    ##### http: port = 2121
    ################################### OWFTPD ##########################
    ##### ftp: port = 2120
    ################################### OWSERVER ########################
    ##### server: port = localhost:4304

    Last edit: Gilbert Osmond 2017-03-10
    • Jan Kandziora

      Jan Kandziora - 2017-03-05
      > ######################## SOURCES ########################
      > #
      > # With this setup, any client (but owserver) uses owserver on the
      > # local machine...
      > server: server = localhost:4304
      No, it doesn't.
      This … is a loop. You advise owserver to talk to itself to get data. It has to read
      !server: server = localhost:4304
      > > # owserver tcp address
      > enet
      This means *every component of owfs* should directly talk to an enet server, too. It should read
      server: enet
      > ######################### OWFS ##########################
      > mountpoint = /mnt/1wire
      > allow_other
      Not using the owfs binary, you don't need this.
      > ####################### OWHTTPD #########################
      > http: port = 2121
      Ok. But this is the default setting, so you don't need this.
      > ####################### OWFTPD ##########################
      > ftp: port = 2120
      Not using the owftpd binary, you don't need this.
      > ####################### OWSERVER ########################
      > server: port = localhost:4304
      Ok. But this is the default setting, so you don't need this.

      Last edit: Jan Kandziora 2017-03-05
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-05

    post retracted, please delete.


    Last edit: Gilbert Osmond 2017-03-05
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-05

    For good measure & since it wasn't hard to do, I went ahead & implemented all your suggested changes to my owfs.conf. The behavior overall & the specific problem with the sensor ID 7E.062Exxxxxx remains unchanged.

    ######################## SOURCES ########################
    # With this setup, any client (but owserver) uses owserver on the
    # local machine...
    !server: server = localhost:4304
    # owserver tcp address
    server: enet
    ######################### OWFS ##########################
    #mountpoint = /mnt/1wire
    ####################### OWHTTPD #########################
    #http: port = 2121
    ####################### OWFTPD ##########################
    #ftp: port = 2120
    ####################### OWSERVER ########################
    #server: port = localhost:4304

    The output from owread is unchanged:

      user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 
    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 

    Other sensors (all DS18B20's) continue to work as expected:

    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature

    Last edit: Gilbert Osmond 2017-03-05
  • Jan Kandziora

    Jan Kandziora - 2017-03-06

    Does the reading change when you use /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature instead?

  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-06

    No, it does not change. Same output:

    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature

    Last edit: Gilbert Osmond 2017-03-06
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-06

    Here is --error_level=9 output from owserver:

    owread -s localhost:4304 /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature



    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=37 size=65536 type=2 sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=37 size=65536 type=2 controlflags=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 37 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 37 - 0 = 37
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><7E.062E00001000><>
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000>
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><>
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7714628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 91 seconds.
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=37 sm->size=65536 sm->offset=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(835) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8 IsUncachedDir=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb770b340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1102) Value found in cache, but expired by 13 seconds.
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb770b340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5913d98
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(135) OWSERVER handler done
    Mar  5 17:35:07 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_net_server.c:(259) Normal completion.
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-06

    And here is another log sample from a properly-working sensor:

    user@OpenHAB:/opt/owfs/bin$ owread -s localhost:4304 /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature

    COMMAND OUTPUT (a valid, real-world Celsius temperature)

    owserver LOG OUTPUT:

    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=29 size=65536 type=2 sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=29 size=65536 type=2 controlflags=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 29 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 29 - 0 = 29
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=/28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FF3FD4741604/temperature]
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF3FD4741604>
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA pointer=0xb7714628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 84 seconds.
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=29 sm->size=65536 sm->offset=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </28.FF3FD4741604/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(94) Create sibling temperature12 from /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature as /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(29) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FF3FD4741604/temperature12]
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF3FD4741604>
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA pointer=0xb7714628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 84 seconds.
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=1
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA pointer=0xb76f9c90 index=0 size=8
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 7 seconds.
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(970) Looking for conversion time 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb7712f44 index=0 size=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1106) Value not found in cache
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1011) Simultaneous conversion not found.
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(626) Data obtained from cache
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature returns 12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature return 12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature return = 12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5914040
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FF3FD4741604/temperature
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(135) OWSERVER handler done
    Mar  5 17:39:27 1850OpenHAB OWFS[10665]:   DEBUG: ow_net_server.c:(259) Normal completion.
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-06

    Sorry for the excess communications.
    On further research, I have eliminated a native bug within OWFS owserver as the cause.

    The problem is that my 3rd party application "OpenHAB" (a home automation package that runs in java) is forming requests for this particular sensor in a way that permanently confuses OWFS owserver.

    Sequence of operations:
    • Clean reboot of system.
    • Start up owserver manually from command line.
    • Query the 7E.062E00001000/EDS0065 sensor.
    • Receive expected, good values.
    • Start up OpenHAB home automation software with OneWire binding module.
    • OpenHAB successfully queries all the DS18B20 sensors, BUT, as soon as it quries the 7E.062xxx EDS0065 sensor, owserver appears to "get confused" and thenceforward all it will return is "-0.0625" -- even when queried outside with the owread shell too.

    As soon as I quit OpenHAB & stop the queries from OpenHAB, then restart owserver, this sensor reads normally.

    So, this is a complicated & nasty liittle bug somewhere in the interaction between OpenHAB and owserver, or possibly even between OpenHAB and the OWSERVER-ENET-2 hardware busmaster device.

    is this something you are willing to help me pursue, i.e. using network packet captures? I would not expect that but I would appreciate it.

  • Jan Kandziora

    Jan Kandziora - 2017-03-06

    Sure we can help you. Could you post two owserver logs of the identical owread -s localhost:4304 /uncached7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature operation, one in the ok and one in the stuck fashion? That would help a lot.

  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-09

    OK -- the next 2 posts upcoming contain 2 different sequences:

    FIRST, the WORKING sequence, where a freshly-started owserver daemon responds with normal, valid data for the new EDS0065 humidity sensor.

    SECOND, the BROKEN sequence, where the OpenHAB software's OneWire binding (TCP socket client) queries owserver shortly after OpenHAB starts up. owserver responds with the static "bad" value, which then causes owserver to return the "bad" value regardless of client (i.e. from OpenHAB binding, OR from "owread",) and regardless of caching or even parameter name.

    • I am not sure if it's the enumeration request, or the specific deviceID request, that seems to break owserver.
    • owserver continues to return normal, valid values for all other sensors, even after the corrupting request.
    • It's possible the problem is not in owserver, but at the top of the data stream, i.e. possibly a bug in the OWSERVER-ENET-2 hardware busmaster device from Embedded Data Systems (?)
    • If useful, the source code for OpenHAB in general and the OpenHAB OneWire binding particularly is available on GitHub:
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-09

    GOOD / NORMAL owserver query / response cycle */

    CONDITIONS: owserver daemon running alone, after fresh kill -9 and re-start using command:
    user@OpenHAB:~$ /usr/bin/owserver --error_level=9 -c /etc/owfs.conf

    QUERY COMMAND: owread -s localhost:4304 /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    QUERY RESULT: 19.125 (degrees Celsius, a valid response with a correct value.)

    TCPFLOW (network packet analysis) OUTPUT:

    user@OpenHAB:~$ sudo tcpflow  -a -B -D -i any -c -g port 4304
    tcpflow: listening on any 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 002e 0000 0002 0000 010a 0001 0000 0000 0000 2f75 6e63 6163 6865  ......................../uncache
    0020: 642f 3745 2e30 3632 4530 3030 3031 3030 302f 4544 5330 3036 352f 7465 6d70 6572  d/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temper
    0040: 6174 7572 6500                                                                   ature. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 000c 0000 010a 0000 000c 0000 0000 2020 2020 2020 3139  ........................      19
    0020: 2e31 3235                                                                        .125     


    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=46 size=65536 type=2 sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=46 size=65536 type=2 controlflags=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 46 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 46 - 0 = 46
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><7E.062E00001000><>
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000>
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><>
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7712628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 52 seconds.
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=46 sm->size=65536 sm->offset=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]: CONNECT: ow_com_write.c:(177) [Broken pipe] Trouble writing to
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7709340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5913d98
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(135) OWSERVER handler done
    Mar  8 21:00:42 OpenHAB OWFS[25909]:   DEBUG: ow_net_server.c:(259) Normal completion.
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-09

    The "BAD" query that "breaks" owserver **/

    CONDITIONS: owserver daemon running , after fresh kill -9 and re-start using command:
    user@OpenHAB:~$ /usr/bin/owserver --error_level=9 -c /etc/owfs.conf

    Sequence of events:
    "OpenHAB" v1.8.3 java-based home-automation server daemon then started up from command line.
    ~10-15 seconds to load OpenHAB, during which owserver remains idle.

    OpenHAB then loads a "binding" (protocol interpreter) for OneWire which uses a TCP socket to query owserver on localhost:4304.
    This OneWire binding software has been working fine for months with ~15 DS18B20 1Wire sensor definitions, and owserver 3.1p4 (and now 3.1p5, recently.)

    But the first time the OneWire binding queries the new EDS0065 Temp/Humidity sensor, owserver responds with bad data, and moreover, owserver
    continues to return static, invalid data for that sensor, both to OpenHAB and when using "owread" from the command line, until owserver is killed and restarted.
    (Then "owread" will return correct values, up until the next time OpenHAB makes a corrupting query again.)

    The bad response value is "31.8875" (which is the Fahreheit equivalent of -0.625 C.) It is an invalid value, and once corrupted it never changes until owserver is restarted.

    The OneWire binding query packets log -- note, this includes both the initial enumeration query (OpenHAB binding requesting a list of devices,) and then a specific query for device ID: 7E.062E00001000

    TCPFLOW (network packet analysis) OUTPUT:

    user@OpenHAB:~$ sudo tcpflow  -a -B -D -i any -c -g port 4304
    tcpflow: listening on any 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 02 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 04 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 01 . 
    0000: 01 . 
    0000: 06 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 2f00  /. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0010 0000 0000 2f37 452e 3036 3245  ......................../7E.062E
    0020: 3030 3030 3130 3030 00                                                           00001000. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0010 0000 0000 2f32 382e 4646 3738  ......................../28.FF78
    0020: 4538 3730 3136 3033 00                                                           E8701603. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0010 0000 0000 2f32 382e 4646 4341  ......................../28.FFCA
    0020: 3937 3734 3136 3034 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 0000 0101 0600 0000 1000 0000  97741604........................
    0040: 002f 3238 2e46 4636 3642 4137 3031 3630 3500 0000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0001  ./28.FF66BA701605...............
    0060: 0106 0000 0010 0000 0000 2f32 382e 4646 3631 3943 3734 3136 3034 0000 0000 0000  ........../28.FF619C741604......
    0080: 0000 1100 0000 0000 0101 0600 0000 1000 0000 002f 3238 2e46 4643 3742 3837 3031  .................../28.FFC7B8701
    00a0: 3630 3500 0000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0010 0000 0000 2f32 382e  605........................./28.
    00c0: 4646 3346 4434 3734 3136 3034 00                                                 FF3FD4741604. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 0007 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0006 0000 0000 2f62 7573 2e33 00 ......................../bus.3. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 0007 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0006 0000 0000 2f62 7573 2e32 0000  ......................../bus.2..
    0020: 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0000 0101 0600 0000 0600 0000 002f 6275 732e 3100 0000  ......................./bus.1...
    0040: 0000 0000 000a 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0009 0000 0000 2f75 6e63 6163 6865 6400  ....................../uncached.
    0060: 0000 0000 0000 000a 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0009 0000 0000 2f73 6574 7469 6e67  ......................../setting
    0080: 7300 0000 0000 0000 0008 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0007 0000 0000 2f73 7973 7465  s........................./syste
    00a0: 6d00 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 000b 0000 0000 2f73 7461 7469  m........................./stati
    00c0: 7374 6963 7300 0000 0000 0000 000b 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 000a 0000 0000 2f73  stics........................./s
    00e0: 7472 7563 7475 7265 0000 0000 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0000 0101 0600 0000 0d00 0000  tructure........................
    0100: 002f 7369 6d75 6c74 616e 656f 7573 0000 0000 0000 0000 0700 0000 0000 0101 0600  ./simultaneous..................
    0120: 0000 0600 0000 002f 616c 6172 6d00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000  ......./alarm...................
    0140: 0000 0000 8002                                                                   ...... 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 12 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 06 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 01 . 
    0000: 01 . 
    0000: 06 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 3745 2e30 3632 4530 3030 3031 3030 3041 3800  7E.062E00001000A8. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 0008 0000 0000 0001 0106 0000 0000 0000 0000 7e06 2e00 0010 00a8  ........................~....... 
    0000: 00 . 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 2600 0000 0200 0101 0600 0010 0000 0000 0037 452e 3036 3245 3030  ......&................7E.062E00
    0020: 3030 3130 3030 4138 2f45 4453 3030 3635 2f74 656d 7065 7261 7475 7265 00         001000A8/EDS0065/temperature. 
    0000: 0000 0000 0000 000c 0000 000c 0001 0106 0000 000c 0000 0000 2020 2020 2033 312e  ........................     31.
    0020: 3838 3735                                                                        8875


    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=18 size=0 type=6 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=18 size=0 type=6 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 18 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 18 - 0 = 18
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8]
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 29 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(131) Presence message for /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=8 size=0, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=38 size=4096 type=2 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=38 size=4096 type=2 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 38 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 38 - 0 = 38
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 29 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=38 sm->size=4096 sm->offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(835) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8 IsUncachedDir=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778c340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1102) Value found in cache, but expired by 15 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778c340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5929d28
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=18 size=0 type=6 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=18 size=0 type=6 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 18 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 18 - 0 = 18
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8]
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1102) Value found in cache, but expired by 1 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:  DETAIL: ow_presence.c:(80) Checking presence of /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(379) pack=RESET END VERIFY
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(254) Item cannot be bundled
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8 SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 52 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 52 - 0 = 52
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(222) verify = 0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(274) Presence of 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 FOUND on bus
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 bus=3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(379) pack=RESET END VERIFY
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(254) Item cannot be bundled
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8 SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 52 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 52 - 0 = 52
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(222) verify = 1
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(272) Presence of 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 NOT found on bus
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(379) pack=RESET END VERIFY
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(254) Item cannot be bundled
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8 SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 52 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 52 - 0 = 52
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(222) verify = 1
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(272) Presence of 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 NOT found on bus
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 bus=3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(131) Presence message for /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=8 size=0, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=38 size=4096 type=2 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=38 size=4096 type=2 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 38 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 38 - 0 = 38
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=38 sm->size=4096 sm->offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(835) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8 IsUncachedDir=0
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778c340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1102) Value found in cache, but expired by 15 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:36 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778c340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5929d28
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:54:37 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=18 size=0 type=6 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=18 size=0 type=6 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 18 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 18 - 0 = 18
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8]
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 90 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(131) Presence message for /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=8 size=0, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=38 size=4096 type=2 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=38 size=4096 type=2 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 38 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 38 - 0 = 38
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7795628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 90 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=38 sm->size=4096 sm->offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(835) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8 IsUncachedDir=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778c340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1102) Value found in cache, but expired by 14 seconds.
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778c340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5929d28
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  8 20:55:06 OpenHAB OWFS[22748]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    • Jan Kandziora

      Jan Kandziora - 2017-03-09

      Could you please apply the following patch and try again? I like to get some more information where the wrong value is crawling in.

      diff --git a/module/owlib/src/c/ow_parseoutput.c b/module/owlib/src/c/ow_parseoutput.c
      index 15367cab..be333198 100644
      --- a/module/owlib/src/c/ow_parseoutput.c
      +++ b/module/owlib/src/c/ow_parseoutput.c
      @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Can break down cases into:
       SIZE_OR_ERROR OWQ_parse_output(struct one_wire_query *owq)
      +   LEVEL_DEBUG("OWQ_parse_output");
          // have to check if offset is beyond the filesize.
          if (OWQ_offset(owq)) {
              size_t file_length = 0;
      @@ -154,12 +155,14 @@ static SIZE_OR_ERROR OWQ_parse_output_float(struct one_wire_query *owq)
          char c[PROPERTY_LENGTH_FLOAT + 2];
          _FLOAT F;
      +   LEVEL_DEBUG("OWQ_parse_output_float");
          switch (OWQ_pn(owq).selected_filetype->format) {
          case ft_pressure:
              F = Pressure(OWQ_F(owq), PN(owq));
          case ft_temperature:
              F = Temperature(OWQ_F(owq), PN(owq));
      +       LEVEL_DEBUG("OWQ_parse_output_float, ft_temperature: %12G", F);
          case ft_tempgap:
              F = TemperatureGap(OWQ_F(owq), PN(owq));
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-10

    I applied the patch & re-compiled. I am not experienced at patching so I hope it worked out. If the patch did not work, pls. give more explicit instructions about how to apply the patch, i.e. what directory to be in, and what "patch" command to use.

    Good output debug log in this post, Bad / broken output log in the next post. I am not re-posting the tcpflow packet logs as I assume those would not change & can be referred to above if needed.

    GOOD OUTPUT, from command:
    owread -s localhost:4304 /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature

    owserver DEBUG LOG

    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=46 size=65536 type=2 sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=46 size=65536 type=2 controlflags=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 46 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 46 - 0 = 46
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^bus\.([[:digit:]]+)/?> compiled to 0xb77ad400
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^settings/?> compiled to 0xb77ad3e0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^statistics/?> compiled to 0xb77ad3c0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^structure/?> compiled to 0xb77ad3a0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^system/?> compiled to 0xb77ad380
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^interface/?> compiled to 0xb77ad360
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^text/?> compiled to 0xb77ad340
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^json/?> compiled to 0xb77ad320
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^uncached/?> compiled to 0xb77ad300
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^unaliased/?> compiled to 0xb77ad2e0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^alarm?> compiled to 0xb77ad1e0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^simultaneous/?> compiled to 0xb77ad2a0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^thermostat/?> compiled to 0xb77ad280
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^text/?> compiled to 0xb77ad260
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^json/?> compiled to 0xb77ad240
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^uncached/?> compiled to 0xb77ad220
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^unaliased/?> compiled to 0xb77ad200
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^([[:xdigit:]]{2})\.?([[:xdigit:]]{12})\.?([[:xdigit:]]{2}){0,1}$> compiled to 0xb77ad420
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><7E.062E00001000><>
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000>
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><>
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb77ad628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1106) Value not found in cache
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:  DETAIL: ow_presence.c:(80) Checking presence of /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(379) pack=RESET END VERIFY
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(254) Item cannot be bundled
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path
    =00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 52 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 52 - 0 = 52
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(222) verify = 0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(274) Presence of 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 FOUND on bus
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 bus=3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb77ad628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(379) pack=RESET END VERIFY
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(254) Item cannot be bundled
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path
    =00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 52 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 52 - 0 = 52
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(222) verify = 1
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(272) Presence of 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 NOT found on bus
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(379) pack=RESET END VERIFY
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(254) Item cannot be bundled
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path
    =00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 52 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 52 - 0 = 52
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(222) verify = 1
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(272) Presence of 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 NOT found on bus
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 bus=3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb77ad628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <\.> compiled to 0xb77ad140
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <\.all$> compiled to 0xb77ad120
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <\.byte$> compiled to 0xb77ad100
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <\.[[:digit:]]+$> compiled to 0xb77ad0e0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <\.[[:alpha:]]$> compiled to 0xb77ad0c0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=46 sm->size=65536 sm->offset=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path
    =00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb77a4340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(49) OWQ_parse_output
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(158) OWQ_parse_output_float
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(165) OWQ_parse_output_float, ft_temperature:      21.3125
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5913d98
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /uncached/7E.062E00001000/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10A offset=0
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(135) OWSERVER handler done
    Mar  9 18:16:52 1850OpenHAB OWFS[13243]:   DEBUG: ow_net_server.c:(259) Normal completion.
  • Gilbert Osmond

    Gilbert Osmond - 2017-03-10

    Here is the "Bad" debug output. Keep in mind, again, this contains the initial enumeration / directory listing request, and then the specific Device ID request for the 7E.062Exxxxx device:

    owserver DEBUG output

    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=2 size=0 type=4 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=2 size=0 type=4 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 2 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 2 - 0 = 2
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler /
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=/
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) /
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/]
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: data.c:(159) Directory message (one at a time)
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: dir.c:(74) DirHandler: pn->path=/
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(79) OWSERVER SpecifiedBus=0 path=/
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_dir.c:(80) path=/
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_dir.c:(104) path=/
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(853) Looking for directory 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(866) Get from cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb778e630 extension=3
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(895) Dir not found in cache
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(32) Start of directory path=/ device=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: CONNECT: ow_com_write.c:(177) [Broken pipe] Trouble writing to
    Mar  9 18:41:01 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 bus=3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 bus=3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/7E.062E00001000]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><7E.062E00001000><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><7E.062E00001000><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/7E.062E00001000
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(295) SN finished
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(478) Adding directory for 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 elements=1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb778e630 index=3 size=8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(853) Looking for directory 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(866) Get from cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb778e630 extension=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(895) Dir not found in cache
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(32) Start of directory path=/ device=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: loop.c:(105) Ping forestalled by a directory element
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 15 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 15 - 0 = 15
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(395) SN found: 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FF78E8701603]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF78E8701603><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF78E8701603>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF78E8701603><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 78 E8 70 16 03 05 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF78E8701603><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF78E8701603>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF78E8701603><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/28.FF78E8701603
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FF78E8701603
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FFCA97741604]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FFCA97741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FFCA97741604>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FFCA97741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF CA 97 74 16 04 E6 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FFCA97741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FFCA97741604>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FFCA97741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/28.FFCA97741604
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FFCA97741604
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FF66BA701605]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF66BA701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF66BA701605>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF66BA701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 66 BA 70 16 05 D9 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF66BA701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF66BA701605>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF66BA701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/28.FF66BA701605
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FF66BA701605
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FF619C741604]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF619C741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF619C741604>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF619C741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 61 9C 74 16 04 31 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF619C741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF619C741604>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF619C741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/28.FF619C741604
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FF619C741604
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20 bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FFC7B8701605]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FFC7B8701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FFC7B8701605>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FFC7B8701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF C7 B8 70 16 05 20 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FFC7B8701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FFC7B8701605>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FFC7B8701605><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/28.FFC7B8701605
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FFC7B8701605
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 5
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(290) SN found: 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(74) Device found: 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(546) Adding device location 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA bus=2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/28.FF3FD4741604]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF3FD4741604>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 28 FF 3F D4 74 16 04 FA pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->15 found <><28.FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><28><.FF3FD4741604>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <28.><FF3FD4741604><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/28.FF3FD4741604
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=17 size=16, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /28.FF3FD4741604
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 6
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(295) SN finished
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(478) Adding directory for 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 elements=6
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb778e630 index=2 size=48
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(853) Looking for directory 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(866) Get from cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 pointer=0xb778e630 extension=1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(895) Dir not found in cache
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_search.c:(32) Start of directory path=/ device=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(286) Index 0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_server_enet.c:(295) SN finished
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(467) Won't cache empty directory
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1362) Delete from cache sn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 in=0xb778e630 index=1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/bus.3]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->5 found <><bus.3><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 4->5 found <bus.><3><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(74) Reg Ex expression <^/bus\.[[:digit:]]+/?> compiled to 0xb778e2c0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->6 found <></bus.3><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/bus.3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=7 size=6, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /bus.3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/bus.2]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->5 found <><bus.2><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 4->5 found <bus.><2><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->6 found <></bus.2><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/bus.2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=7 size=6, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /bus.2
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/bus.1]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->5 found <><bus.1><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 4->5 found <bus.><1><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->6 found <></bus.1><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/bus.1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=7 size=6, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /bus.1
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/uncached]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/uncached
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=10 size=9, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /uncached
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/settings]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/settings
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=10 size=9, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /settings
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/system]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/system
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=8 size=7, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /system
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/statistics]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/statistics
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=11, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /statistics
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/structure]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/structure
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=11 size=10, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /structure
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/simultaneous]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/simultaneous
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=14 size=13, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /simultaneous
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[/alarm]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]: message repeated 2 times: [   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: dir.c:(57) owserver Calling dir=/alarm
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=7 size=6, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /alarm
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_dir.c:(199) ret=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=0 size=0, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=32770
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(85) No data
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=18 size=0 type=6 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=18 size=0 type=6 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 18 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 18 - 0 = 18
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: data.c:(131) Presence message for /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=8 size=0, ret=0, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(132) OWSERVER tcp connection persistence -- reusing connection now.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 24 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 24 - 0 = 24
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(66) FromClient payload=38 size=4096 type=2 sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: from_client.c:(74) FromClient (no servermessage) payload=38 size=4096 type=2 controlflags=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 38 bytes Time: 10.000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 38 - 0 = 38
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(73) Persistence requested
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: handler.c:(153) START handler 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: data.c:(103) DataHandler: parse path=7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseobject.c:(163) 7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: ow_parsename.c:(104) path=[7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature]
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 0: 0->17 found <><7E.062E00001000A8><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 1: 0->2 found <><7E><.062E00001000A8>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 2: 3->15 found <7E.><062E00001000><A8>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(201) 3: 15->17 found <7E.062E00001000><A8><>
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(912) Looking for device 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb778e628 index=0 size=4
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1086) Value found in cache. Remaining life: 120 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_presence.c:(75) Found device on bus 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_regex.c:(154) Not found
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:    CALL: data.c:(144) Read message
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: read.c:(55) ReadHandler start
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: read.c:(61) ReadHandler: From Client sm->payload=38 sm->size=4096 sm->offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: read.c:(79) ReadHandler: call FS_read_postparse on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(72) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(204) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(238) About to read </7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature> extension=0 size=12 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(333) file_length=12 offset=0 size=12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(835) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8 IsUncachedDir=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1070) Search in cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7785340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(1102) Value found in cache, but expired by 19 seconds.
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(311) pack=SELECT
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(339) pack=MATCH MODIFY BLIND
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(323)  pack=READ
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(251) Item added
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(274) Ship Packets=3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(70) Selecting a path (and device) path=/7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature SN=7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 last path=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_select.c:(74) Use adapter-specific select routine
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 3 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 3 - 0 = 3
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(63) attempt 12 bytes Time: 0.6000000 seconds
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_tcp_read.c:(113) read: 12 - 0 = 12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(399) unpacking
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(481) unpacking #0 NOP or SELECT
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(417) unpacking #1 MATCH
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_transaction.c:(425) unpacking #2 READ MODIFY
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(620) Read /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature Extension 0 Gives result 0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(384) Adding data for /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(421) 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 size=8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_cache.c:(635) Add to cache sn 7E 06 2E 00 00 10 00 A8 pointer=0xb7785340 index=0 size=8
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(253) return=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(49) OWQ_parse_output
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(158) OWQ_parse_output_float
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(165) OWQ_parse_output_float, ft_temperature:      31.8875
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(263) After read is performed (bytes or error 12)
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(226) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature returns 12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_read.c:(103) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return 12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: read.c:(81) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse read on /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature return = 12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: read.c:(89) ReadHandler: FS_read_postparse ok size=12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: read.c:(100) ReadHandler: To Client cm->payload=12 cm->size=12 cm->offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(146) Read message done value=0xb5926918
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parsename.c:(63) /7E.062E00001000A8/EDS0065/temperature
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(193) DataHandler: FS_ParsedName_destroy done
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(207) DataHandler: cm.ret=12
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: to_client.c:(76) payload=12 size=12, ret=12, sg=0x10106 offset=0
    Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: data.c:(226) Finished with client request
    • Jan Kandziora

      Jan Kandziora - 2017-03-10
      Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(49) OWQ_parse_output
      Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(158) OWQ_parse_output_float
      Mar  9 18:41:02 1850OpenHAB OWFS[14125]:   DEBUG: ow_parseoutput.c:(165) OWQ_parse_output_float, ft_temperature:      31.8875

      This tells me the EDS0065 device already returns a wrong value to owserver. I guess OpenHAB accidentally tweaks some settings on the EDS0065 by accessing some other nodes in a unexpected way.

      What I would do now: Write a test script to simulate what OpenHAB might do and hope I can also trigger the problem. Then, comment out half of my test script commands, try again (clean, of course) and see if the problem persists. And so on, until I have the single command which offends the ED0065.