
Some news

You may ask when the 0.4 version will be relased. So I don't know if it will released at all, that is because I start working on the 0.5 version, in this version I'm translating all the code in C++, translating the name of variables in english.
I focus on eliminate any explicit reference to the Nintendo game, to build a new game, with new pokemon, the way is really long, but I think that I probably could release some preview version in few months.

If someone is interested in mantaining of the 0.4 version (python 2.* language) he is
wellcome! Just send me an e-mail, there are still a lot of bugs that neads to be fixed
until a 0.4 final release!

Posted by Lorenzo Monacelli 2012-05-09 Labels: 0.5 Opok next version
  • Lorenzo Monacelli

    The 0.5 version will be written with SDL / OpenGL libraries!

    I forgot my e-mail:

  • Lorenzo Monacelli

    Of corse one of the new pokemon will be Tux, and other manscots of unix.


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