
Lorenzo Monacelli

Here is arrived the new Open POKemon game!!!!
Developed by Lorenzo Monacelli since 2007, pubblished for the first time in October 2011.

The current stable release is 0.4, you can download this directly from here.
To see the last things to do, almost bugfix, visit this:
[Todo list]

Now a new version is under development, 0.5, we are totally rewriting the code from python to C++, with OpenGL, this means more speed, and the possibility of include 3d effect into the game, we are also repleacing old pokemon with new.

The GNU license is only referred to the source code, all the file in the other sub-directory such as data (in particular pokemon images and music) are protected by copyright and are included in the download link only to demostrate the function of the code.

Project Admins:

This is a release candidate version! It may contain some bugs. Please, report us these bugs at our forum pages, or send me a e-mail:


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