
OpenXDAS 0.5.257 Released!

Version 0.5 (svn 257) has just been released on This version contains several key enhancments, as well as a few bug fixes discovered during development in the 0.4 installer package.

Key enhancements include:

1. The new netstream logger. The netstream logger allows you to send clear text formatted as CRLF-terminated lines to service listening on an arbitrary configured tcp port number on a local or remote server. Eventually, this service will also support generic encrypted connections using openssl.

2 A new statically linked "stub" client library. This feature allows an application to link statically to a very small stub library which dynamically loads and initializes the actually libxdas instrumentation library, allowing an application to consume, but not depend on the existence of the OpenXDAS service.

In addition to these two major enhancements, we've also fixed a number of minor oversights in the Windows MSI installer. Some files were missing in the installed image, and the service on both Windows and Linux was reporting an outdated version (0.3) for the 0.4 release.

This release was delayed a bit because of new Java policy within Novell - apparently Java 1.4.2 is no longer shipped with SuSE 10.3 and up, so we've had a bit of trouble getting the RPM's to build correctly within SuSE's system. A near future release will hopefully solve this problem by using the GJC compiler (free Java tools). We felt that this release was too important to delay any further. Please note that this issue does not affect your ability to run the java code on your SuSE (even 10.3+) platforms. It only means that you have to install Java first. But then, you'd want to do that anyway, wouldn't you? :)

As always, enjoy!

Posted by John Calcote 2007-06-21

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