
The Open Toolkit library / News: Recent posts

New release: OpenTK 0.3.6 alpha

At long last... More than 100 man-hours have gone into writing, debugging, testing, tuning and deploying this release (no kidding!)

Let's cut to the chase:
* Major updates to the binding generator. Now it generates all available extensions from the very latest OpenGL specs (which include support for shader model 4!)
* Speed increase to all OpenGL functions
* Preliminary high-level bindings for Display Lists (DisplayList class), plus a new example that demonstrates its usage.
* Too many bugfixes to recount here!... read more

Posted by Stephen A 2007-04-20

OpenTK 0.3.5 alpha (finally) released!

It's been a while, but I think it was worth the wait. Erik has contributed code to allow OpenTK to work under X, and he did a good job at that, too! Plus several other things have been changed (for the better).

So what do we have in this release?
+ Windows and X support. You can set display modes, toggle fullscreen and other nice things. There are some rough edges still, but these will be sorted out later.
+ Updates to the structure of the GL class. Extension functions are now separate from the Core OpenGL functions, which helps discoverability (GL.Ext will bring up a list of all [...]EXT functions - or at least it will in the next version! ;) )
+ New examples for people without shader capable cards (props to Erik again!)... read more

Posted by Stephen A 2006-11-03

OpenTK 0.3.4 alpha released!

OpenTK 0.3.4 brings full Mono support to the table (still only under Windows). Not only that, Mono seems to be ~100 fps faster for GLSL.Lesson01!

Updates to the GLSL.Lesson01 example, the GLForm main loop and several bug fixes were made (including the crash bug under release mode that existed in previous versions, as well as the a resource leaking on program shutdown). The OpenGL binding generator was also slightly updated.... read more

Posted by Stephen A 2006-10-10

OpenTK 0.3.3 alpha released

Another source release for OpenTK is out, featuring a slightly updated OpenGL binding generator (version and a new class (GLForm) which can be used to create continuously updating OpenGL applications (for example a game).

With the GLForm class you can change resolutions and bitdepth, create a windowed or fullscreen application and have a fast game loop without memory leaks (in contrast with Application.DoEvents() which is not designed for game loops!).... read more

Posted by Stephen A 2006-10-09

OpenTK 0.3.2 alpha released

After a lot of hard work, it is time for a new OpenTK source release. This is a Work-In-Progress, alpha release, which is suitable for testing purposes.

This release features an updated OpenGL binding generator (version 0.7.5), the source of which is now included in the Tao framework ( The bindings produced by this version can correctly compile all Tao.OpenGL examples, while their runtime behavior is still undergoing testing.... read more

Posted by Stephen A 2006-09-30