
#2550 smf: Smfd fails to create SaAmfNodeSwBundle due to IMM sync


As the fix of #2389, SmfImmCreateOperation returns TRY_AGAIN when OmCcbObjectCreate is aborted due to IMM sync (resource abort).
However, on caller classes which areSmfImmUtils::doImmOperation and SmfUpgradeStep::createOneSaAmfNodeSwBundle do not handle for TRY_AGAIN returned code.

This causes the upgrade fails.

Jun 27 23:22:55 SC_2_2 osafsmfd[28490]: NO STEP: Create new SaAmfNodeSwBundle objects
Jun 27 23:22:53 SC_2_2 osafimmd[28350]: NO Node 20c0f request sync sync-pid:13429 epoch:0
Jun 27 23:22:56 SC_2_2 osafimmnd[28364]: NO Announce sync, epoch:376
Jun 27 23:22:56 SC_2_2 osafimmd[28350]: NO Successfully announced sync. New ruling epoch:376
Jun 27 23:23:01 SC_2_2 osafimmnd[28364]: WA Aborting ccbId 2959 to start sync
Jun 27 23:23:01 SC_2_2 osafimmloadd: NO Sync starting
Jun 27 23:23:02 SC_2_2 osafimmloadd: IN Synced 7868 objects in total
Jun 27 23:23:02 SC_2_2 osafimmnd[28364]: NO NODE STATE-> IMM_NODE_FULLY_AVAILABLE 16888
Jun 27 23:23:02 SC_2_2 osafimmloadd: NO Sync ending normally
Jun 27 23:23:03 SC_2_2 osafimmnd[28364]: NO ERR_FAILED_OPERATION: ccb 2959 is in an error state rejecting ccbObjectCreate operation
Jun 27 23:23:03 SC_2_2 osafsmfd[28490]: NO Failed to create object of class=[SaAmfNodeSwBundle] to parent=[safAmfNode=PL-18,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster]. rc=SA_AIS_ERR_FAILED_OPERATION (21),
Jun 27 23:23:03 SC_2_2 osafsmfd[28490]: NO Creation of object failed, rc=SA_AIS_ERR_FAILED_OPERATION (21), class=[SaAmfNodeSwBundle], parent=[safAmfNode=PL-18,safAmfCluster=myAmfCluster]
Jun 27 23:23:03 SC_2_2 osafsmfd[28490]: ER Failed to create new SaAmfNodeSwBundle objects in step=safSmfStep=0001

Measurement: SmfUpgradeStep::createOneSaAmfNodeSwBundle should handle for TRY_AGAIN returned code


Wiki: ChangeLog-5.17.11


  • A V Mahesh (AVM)

    • Priority: major --> minor
  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-14
    • assigned_to: Neelakanta Reddy --> Vijay Roy
  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-17
    • status: assigned --> review
    • Part: - --> d
    • Milestone: 5.1.RC2 --> 5.17.10
  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-29
    • status: review --> fixed
  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-29

    Acknowledged by Mahesh AV, Lennart.

  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-29
    • status: fixed --> review
  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-29

    Facing permission issue while pushing to develop & release branch.
    Will re-update back once the GIT issue fixed for my account.

  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-29

    commit 0e6ecc518ed1a2f872a6d3b58eab68a061dcc633
    Author: Vijay Roy
    Date: Tue Aug 29 14:24:46 2017 +0530

    smf: fix to avoid core dump during smf upgrade while imm sync [#2550]

    commit 25ec826ef223710f0703459fc7e48584b83ff6b8
    Author: Vijay Roy
    Date: Tue Aug 29 14:24:46 2017 +0530

    smf: fix to avoid core dump during smf upgrade while imm sync [#2550]
  • Vijay Roy

    Vijay Roy - 2017-08-29
    • status: review --> fixed

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