
Bridge Mode between two interfaces

  • Kieron Robertson

    Would this be possible to setup? It would make it "transparent" and very easy
    to deploy.

  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2012-07-26

    It is most definitely possible. I think the kernel module would need modified
    to use a different netfilter hook. Currently the opennop module only captures
    "forwarded/routed" traffic. That might not work on a bridge interface as I
    don't know what netfilter hooks traffic will pass on a bridged interface.

    I have not had a request for it until now but its one of those things I
    planned on anyway. Feel free to submit a feature request.

  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2012-07-31

    I went ahead and made a feature request for this. It looks like it should be
    pretty easy to implement provided the kernel your using is new enough. If your
    using the appliance it will be fine.

    I have been working on a CLI to give some visibility into the opennop daemon
    and the ability to modify settings while the daemon is running. Ill make sure
    to add a setting to change into "bridge mode" once I get the CLI done.


  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-03-19

    Have you made any progress on Bridge Mode support?


    Last edit: BMG 2013-03-19
  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-03-19

    Unfortunately bridge mode support has not been added yet. The cli framework was just recently implemented and I want to finish getting it cleaned up a little before adding any additional features. The cli was a major holdup for almost all future features so it’s very good to finally have that done. I am optimistic that we will start getting things implemented at a much faster pace now.

  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-03-19

    Thanks for the update.

  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-03-29


    I potentially have some good news for you. Bridged mode hase been added to the kernel module but its untested and only avaliable in the git repo.

    Here is how you can try it.

    zypper install git
    mkdir /usr/src/opennop
    cd /usr/src/opennop
    git clone
    cd module
    insmod opennopdrv.ko mode=bridged
  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-03-29

    Please let me know if it worked :)

  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-04-01

    I will test it and let you know.

  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-04-02

    I get this:
    zypper install git
    mkdir /usr/src/opennop
    cd /usr/src/opennop
    git clone
    cd module
    OK to here than:
    :/usr/src/opennop/module # insmod opennopdrv.ko mode=bridged
    insmod: error inserting 'opennopdrv.ko': -1 File exists

  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-04-02

    That means the kernel module is already loaded.

    You can confirm with this command.
    lsmod | grep opennopdrv

    Just unload the existing kernel module.
    rmmod opennopdrv

  • KBP

    KBP - 2013-04-03


    I have this bridging setup in place over a Cable VPN with 2 OpenSUSE 12.1 boxes.

    Should I be seeing additional threads/CPU/Memory at one or both sites when opening/copying files for opennopd?

    Is there any statistics logging that opennopd creates that can be looked at?



  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-04-03

    You should see opennopd using some CPU in "top". How much depends on the TCP traffic going through it. In my test enviroment I was seeing 100% CPU for about 50Mbps. Thats with the entire lab running in VMs on a single host.

    The CLI has just been finished along with several other enhancements. Those should be avaliable soon.

    Are you using the appliance?

  • KBP

    KBP - 2013-04-03

    No. I loaded from scratch from the DVD ISO from 12.1 and then installed the RPM you had for 12.1. After that I added the module with the bridging command that you posted and restarted the service.

    I have a 4G Aircard Router that I am going to test with as well over the VPN Tunnel.

    Will keep an eye out for the CLI.

  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-04-04

    I have done some test, set to bridge. But is seems to slow everything down. I am using jperf to test in lab. I am using the appliance. I had it set to up as routing and just changed network to bridge and load module and restarted the service. I see opennopd in "top" but only using about 7%. In routed mode it would show %50 per cpu core. It is almost like each end does not know where the other end is. I will try reload appliance and starting over from scratch. To see if that helps.

  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-04-04

    Just checking here but did you create a bridge interface in the appliance?

    I am not 100% on this but it should be something like

    brctl addbr br0
    brctl addif br0 eth0
    brctl addif br0 eth1

    You still need an IP assigned to the bridge interface that the OpenNOP daemon can use as its ID. I dont know if the daemon will see the IP of the bridged interface or not. If it cannot you will see an error like "Initialization: No usable IP Address." in "/var/log/messages".

    So make sure it has a uniqe IP.

    ifconfig br0 <ip> netmask <mask>

    You might just want to install the yast tools to do all that.


    Last edit: Justin Yaple 2013-04-04
  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-04-04

    Yes I created a bridge interface. I used yast to do it. I can SSH to br0 on both and traffic will pass across to both appliances.

  • BMG

    BMG - 2013-04-04

    Just an update had had to change the order of network adapters on each appliance. It now works great. I had order of port to lan switch and port to router different at each end so, I made it the same at each end and works like in routed mode. If I run jperf doing same as in routed mode.


  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-04-04

    That’s great you were able to get things working. I would not expect what port you have connected to the router or switch to matter in the slightest. It should just intercept traffic if it will be bridged. If that’s from eth0 to eth1 or from eth 1 to eth0 is irrelevant. In fact it has to work in both directions for OpenNOP to accelerate any traffic.



    Feature Requests: #13

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