
Scanning in documents

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  • Steve W

    Steve W - 2015-10-05

    I wanted to refresh this string to see if anyone figured out how to use the dispatch function to dispatch .pdf's or .jpg's as per this comment by Rod here .

    I tried installing Tiff for windows and ImageMagick but this has not allowed the utility under Misc>Fax/Scan to be "dispatch"ed because it will not thumbnail different pages within pdf's or even a single page jpg for me to select. Error message: "No pages have been selected"

    Can anyone provide more specific instructions on how Rod managed to fix this?
    Thank you,

  • Neville Misquitta

    Thanks Rod. Found this libtiff package for windows Will try it with ImageMagick, hope it works!

  • Lams

    Lams - 2013-03-01

    Has anyone experienced this error message when trying to dispatch a scanned doc:

    /var/www/openemr/sites/default/faxcache/scan/Progress note from PCPmkdir returned 1:


    /var/www/openemr/sites/default/faxcache/scan/Welcome Scanmkdir returned 1:

    Any thoughts?

  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2013-03-01

    lamspc, it means the execute of the external command "mkdir" failed.  Perhaps a permissions problem with writing to /var/www/openemr/sites/default/.


  • Dionysis Gardelis

    Hi all.

    I am afraid that I have not even managed to go so far as most of you already have.
    I setup Administration/Globals/Miscellaneous/Scanner Directory as "/scanned".
    To my understanding this would mean that I should create a folder with the name "scanned" at the root of my server, give it full access. I do that and when I go to side menu / Miscellaneous>Fax/Scan I get the following message: Cannot read /scanned.

    I am sure that I do something wrong, but what? The existing documentation makes no real reference on haw to set up this so useful functionality.

    Please, help!

  • Art Eaton

    Art Eaton - 2013-07-08

    OK, just posting my use habits from having scanned and imported some 900,000 pages of medical notes (myself).

    1. There is not good multi-page scanner application for use with a USB-connected Linux machine. Period. XSANE and the others do not get you clean multi-page Tiff or pdf or anything else. The best you can manage seems to be with one particular epson scanner and it comes out on legal format. This is not to say you cannot use Linux work-stations, just that it needs to be a network scanner i.e. big bucks.
    2. Your scanner software and applications, be they the ubiquitous PaperPort (slick but makes some screwy format pdf's that cause problems if editing to add signature pages at the end or other stuff) or the more basic scanning utilities and things like one-touch scanning all have settings, profiles and options that you should look into. You generally want 150DPI on general matter, 200DPI for "Original Signature" quality as per the CFR's and other US Federal notions, and you want your pdf export type to be pdf-A1 or whatever your other systems work best with. If using LibreOffice pdf button to create documents and export to pdf, print, then scan a signed final page onto the end (a common practice) PDF A-1 seems to work pretty well. MSO 2010 pdf's seem to be screwy in every aspect.
    3. PDFSam utility is a great tool for post processing your images. If you donate any amount, you can get the pro version that supports encryption. Libreoffice now has encryption export too, so you may not need that anymore. It's reordering seems to work very well, and the files seem to be very dependable and properly formatted.
    4. Let's say you want to scan files from USB scanners, but have them go to a central location on the server. Fine, map a network drive or a "Network place" in windows to a shared directory on the local server. Not real hard. Now set your scanner software configuration to work out of that directory instead of the default one.
    5. Another helpful thing is to enter that same scan folder location in OpenEMR, so users can see the files that have been scanned. You may not need that, and you may just want to upload files directly to the Documents section of the patient record, and you may simply prefer to allow off-site access to those files via an FTP. We do all the above.
    6. The Scanned Notes form in the Contrib directory should be installed. It uses the same basic system as the Patient Documents and stores the file with that patient's other files, but relates an uploaded file to a specific encounter, and does not show in the normal Documents view. This form is extremely useful, has very recently been upgraded to the new security model (Thank you Rod), and should actually be made a Vanilla install base form.
    7. Setting up the Scan Directory.
      Let's say you made a shared folder (using non-geek terms here) as the place where files get saved when someone uses a scanner in your office. That is a separate issue of course. All the Scan/Fax utility on OpenEMR is doing is looking at that directory on the server. The same machine that has the EMR on it is also used to store those scanned files (as well as running the FTP server and email etc...). The scan folder is located at C:/ARSP_NETWORK/Admin Working Documents/Office_Level/Scan_in, so that is what I type into the Globals Configuration. NOTE: I used "/" and not "\". Of you are using Windows, and copy the file location C:\ARSP_NETWORK\Admin Working Documents\Office_Level\Scan_in , you would need to switch out the slashes to make it work.
      ...Also a good idea to check the little check box to turn the feature on. Mind you, it just shows whatever files are in that directory. It does not care if they are scans or not. You can have any sort of file export from anything dumping into that directory, or keep anything you like in would not affect it. To that end, if you have a Windows server, you may want to turn off thumbnails so that if image files get put in there, it does not create the little thumbs.db files that junk it up.
  • Steve W

    Steve W - 2015-10-05

    Last edit: Steve W 2015-10-05
  • jon22

    jon22 - 2024-01-28

    Dear Steve. Great tips. Do you hav any extra advice/tips on this topic since posting in 2015?
    Thanks Jonathan J

  • HelpTech

    HelpTech - 2024-05-02

    When I print service notes a generic date appears above every service note post upgrade to 7.02 Image is attached

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2024-05-04

    Hi HelpTech,

    We no longer use this forum. Please post your question on the new OpenEMR forum at:

    -Brady (aka. forum police)

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