
Scanning in documents

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  • esears

    esears - 2005-12-28

    Hi.. I was wondering how others are scanning in documents.  We are currently using acrobat to scan in and then save the file as .jpg then upload the file.  The only problem is that it's a separate program and the files are large.  Is there a way that it could be implemented into emr to scan and upload? or a better way of doing this.  The receptionists up front are not computer literate so it must be really simple.  Any info will help..

    • Andres MVP

      Andres MVP - 2005-12-28

      I recomended the snapscan series from fujitsu (~$350) to practices with OpenEMR,
      it is a little desktop scanner that will do ID cards double face as well as a full stack of paper with a single touch.
      if it's an image it goes jpg, if it's a patient's old paper history it goes pdf,
      I think it's by far the best solution I've seen in place,

      • braman

        braman - 2006-03-08

        >snapscan series from fujitsu (~$350) to practices with OpenEMR,
        Can I run this scanner under linux ? From my research, I did not find any linux support/drivers.
        Need to get a scanner.
        Balu Raman
        braman20012001 at yahoo dot com

        • Andres MVP

          Andres MVP - 2006-03-08

          no, it's not supported,
          for a list of linux supported scanners,
          We can use scansnap because the workstations run Windows.

    • esears

      esears - 2005-12-29


      I wasn't necessarily asking for the type of scanners that are being used, but thanks for the info i'll take a look at them.  I was actually asking about the software being used.

      For example we are scanning in docs using acrobat then converting them to .jpg within acrobat. Then i go to openemr and upload that .jpg file.  But now I added another step which is resizing the image.

      Is their an easier way?


    • Sam Bowen

      Sam Bowen - 2005-12-29

      Dear esears,

      Are you running Windows or Linux?

      In my practice we capture incoming faxes / scan documents with the software provided by the scanner manufacturer (PaperPort). We open the documents using Paperport and save them as jpegs.  Then the jpegs are uploaded to the database.

      My office manager bought a couple of scanners but neither is supported under sane.  So our actual document handling happens in Windows (2000 and XP Pro).

      Our OpenEMR is running on Slackware 10.1.  All of our exam rooms run FreeBSD, Most of the practitioners are using Slackware 10.2 workstations.

      So to answer the question we need to know the OSs involved.  I assume that since you're running adobe acrobat that at least you workstations are running Windows?

      Sam Bowen

    • esears

      esears - 2005-12-29

      sorry about that...yes all the workstations have windows running.. only the openemr server is running linux.  ARe you resizing the images?

    • Sam Bowen

      Sam Bowen - 2005-12-29

      Yes, we resize the images. 

      They load a lot faster on our relatively underpowered exam room work stations.

      Most of our monitors are 17 flat panels so we reisze to 1200 pixels width.  We use the GIMP for this.  I installs very nicely in Windows.

      Andres comments about which scanners to use.  Clearly, Epson and Cannon have a lot of scanners with good to excellent Sane support.  We have a Xerox Documate 510 an dan Artix MicroTek.  Both use the Paperport software.  The Artix Microtek installation was a bit tricky.

      If I had to do it over I would a really big really fast scanner, about 8-10 times larger than I thought I really need.

      The scanning ends up being as onerous as filing paper charts.

      • Andres MVP

        Andres MVP - 2006-01-03

        ok, sorry about going in other details,
        about software,
        if you work under windows environment, when you buy a scanner, most of them will have some pdf generation software,
        if not,
        try these free tools, (to generate pdfs)
        irfanview (to deal with images)

    • Alfonso

      Alfonso - 2006-03-09

      While on the topic of Images and scanners...Any thoughts on dicom?

      • Andres MVP

        Andres MVP - 2006-03-09

        ImageMagick supports (still with minor bugs) Dicom
        you can always take Dicom input and get a jpeg out to the browser,
        and if you have time and money you can create a Dicom browser, the same way google maps work,

    • Alfonso

      Alfonso - 2006-03-10

      I was thinking more in the terms of a Free Java based app such as ImageJ  Have a little logic to distinguish between a jpg or a dcm and call the java applet if it is a dcm file.
      Any just a thought

    • Alfonso

      Alfonso - 2006-03-11

      Or maybe one like this

      Just another lots more too, thoughts that is...mostly useless, others no so useless, and the really good ones? Those I sometimes get paid for!

      Say goodnight gracie...;)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-12-21

    We are wondering the same thing.  If there is a way to scan directly into OpenEMR v.3.2.0. 

  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2012-12-24

    To bring scan docs into OpenEMR without any intervene is to mount the scan docs directory, which can be either in the Linux or Windows machine.

    Once mounted, configure the mounted directory in the OpenEMR globals, from then all the scan docs will be available in the OpenEMR automatically.

    Create symbolic link of the mounted scan dir to the OpenEMR docs section, say … /default/documents/scan Thus the scanned documents will be available in the backup.


  • Sherwin Gaddis

    Sherwin Gaddis - 2012-12-26


    You mentioned to "mount the scan docs directory". Could you outline what that means? The reason I ask is that I have not seen where it is possible to scan from desktop to cloud unless you are using a dev connection to the server. And if it is a dev folder how are the files going to be moved from the collection point of the dev folder to the patients record?

    We are trying to solve this puzzle as well. Just would like to hear some more thoughts.


  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2012-12-26


    The case which i shared is applicable to desktop and OpenEMR located in the same network.  But for cloud environment, we need some tools to upload the scanned documents to the cloud server. Even we can write some scripts to upload documents from a particular directory to the server. 


  • Sherwin Gaddis

    Sherwin Gaddis - 2012-12-27


    thanks for the reply. What I am trying to accomplish for a client is that their labs are faxed and then scanned,  placed in a folder then uploaded to the EMR. The clinician at the front desk that was doing all that left. This left a mess. Going forward, the new person asked is there a way to cut out some of those steps. Is there a tool/api that will allow the scanned stream to be sent directly to the cloud server not hitting the desktop at all? I thought it was a tall order but worth exploring. She wants to be able to place the document on the scanner and it goes to the correct folder in the patient's chart.

    Have your team accomplished something of this nature? I could forsee this happening in a Java type app. Still looking for code to do this with.


  • ViSolve

    ViSolve - 2012-12-31


    We did experienced integration of scanners/fax only in the standalone network. On our quick analysis for hosted/cloud network - there is a common driver available for applications, which can scan the document and writes it directly to network drive.  Twain is the one we came across.


  • Arnab Naha

    Arnab Naha - 2013-01-09

    Hi all…
    The scan/fax module in openemr is broken…but if it gets fixed, it will be one of the best module to upload patient documents and all..when I point my scan directory in administration->Globals, it reads well my pdf documents in the directory..Here is the image for that…


    Now, when I try to click on dispatch, I get a new window with all the options to choose the patient and send the document to the patient chart. But after clicking OK, it says that the page has not been selected…Why is this???


  • Arnab Naha

    Arnab Naha - 2013-01-09
  • Linda E. Hungerford, M.D.

    i have gotten error messages in other frames, but when i go back to check on whether or not the task was completed, it has been.  for example, sending notes to my staff, or entering some patient data, at times.  I get the error message, but yet the task was completed.  fyi.

  • Neville Misquitta

    I'm getting the same error message "page not selected" and the document is not copied  to the patient. Using OpenEMR v4.0.1(9) with Windows7. Any solutions as yet?

  • Penguin8R

    Penguin8R - 2013-02-27

    The Scan/Fax dispatch module is not broken, it's just limited in its capabilities.
    It can only page/separate/dispatch TIF files, not PDFs.

  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2013-02-27

    Scan/Fax dispatch works for my clients and it does process PDFs.  But you have to have ImageMagick installed, as well as tiffcp, tiff2pdf and tiffsplit.  In Debian and Ubuntu these last 3 come from the libtiff-tools package.


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