
Opendchub administrative login

  • Apoorv Khurasia

    Apoorv Khurasia - 2006-06-24


    I am running opendchub v 0.7.15 on gentoo linux. The problem is that I cannot enter the administrator mode via telnet and the only way I can shut the hub /restart it is via killing the process first and then (re)starting it.

    In the telnet mode of administration it first asks me my administrator password and then nothing happens after I enter the password --no command is accepted and no notification is given by the daemon. Can anybody help me? The console simply becomes unresponsive.

    • Geoff

      Geoff - 2006-06-24

      Are you typing the password in correctly?
      If you password is bob you would type the following:
      $adminpass bob|
      You can also shut down the hub while in the hub if you're logged in as an admin by typing !quitprogram


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