
OpenAs2App WebUI

  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2020-03-20


    I'm have set up OpenAS2, so I want now to set up the WebUI.

    I have unzip the file, and run "./mvnw clean package", but I have this
    error : org.openas2.OpenAS2Exception: the
    OpenAS2 loggers' log manager must be registered with the jvm argument

    Is this application independent of OpenAS2 ?
    Or I need to set up OpenAs2 inside the "src" folder before ?

    Best Regards

  • Javier Munoz

    Javier Munoz - 2020-03-25

    Hi Gabe,
    Could you share the console logs and the configuration files you are using?
    Is this error happening on a new installation or an upgrade?

  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2020-03-25

    I have only unziped the WebUI and run the command line above.

    So I have installed yarn and nodejs, then run command lines mentionned in the
    The test server is running and I access the login page (LoginScreen.vue).
    But now I looking for understand how to launch "" ; it's the first time that an API is mentionned, and I don't find anaything in the OpenAS2 documentation.
    It's difficult for a SysAdmin to understand how to set up all of this, your are experts and high skilled developpers so I imagine it's seems logical for you.


    Last edit: Gabe 2020-03-25
  • Javier Munoz

    Javier Munoz - 2020-03-25

    Hi Gabe,
    Agreed the documentation for the WebUI is lacking, we are working on that.
    With the WebUI inclusion into OpenAS2 a REST API was added and exposed as a new Remote Control interface for OpenAS2.
    This remote interface needs to be habilitated by adding the "org.openas2.cmd.processor.RestCommandProcessor" Command processor in to the config.xml file of your OpenAS2 Server installation.
    The default configuration included in your latest download of OpenAS2 includes a basic configuration of this Command Processor but its disabled by default for security reasons. To enable it set to "true" the property "properties.restapi.command.processor.enabled" inside the "<properties>" tag of the same config file. </properties>

    This default configuration will listen on Localhost on the port 8443 reusing the included SSL self-signed certificate for TLS/SSL encryption. Authentication for the API is very simple based on username/password. The default access credentials are "userID" as username and "pWd" as password. Make sure to change them for your production deployments.

    The Login Screen presented on the WebUI request the REST API Endpoint Base URL, Username and Password credentials to access it.
    So the first step is to enable the REST Command Processor, configure it and make sure you can run your OpenAS2 Server installation.



    Last edit: Javier Munoz 2020-03-25
  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2020-03-27

    Many thanks for your explanations, the server is running now :

    yarn run serve
    INFOS: Started listener bound to [localhost:8443]

    Is the self-signed certificate is in the "config/ssl_certs.jks" file ?
    Because I have updated this keystore to add my own valide chain of SSL certificates.

    Is there a way to have more logs for this REST API ?
    Beacause when I try to sign in, I immediatly have this error "Error: Network Error", despite of OpenAS2 server is running at the same time :

    2020-03-27 11:42:36.371 FINE OpenAS2Server: OpenAS2 Server v2.10.0 started.



    Last edit: Gabe 2020-03-27
    • Javier Munoz

      Javier Munoz - 2020-03-27

      The certificate is in config/ssl_certs.jks,
      Is your own certificate loaded into it?
      Is it self-signed as well or 3rd party CA signed?
      Did you remove the Old OpenAS2 self-signed certificate?

      Regards, J

      On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 7:18 AM Gabe

      Many thanks for you explanations, the server is running now :

      yarn run serveINFOS: Started listener bound to [localhost:8443]

      Is the self-signed certificate is in the "config/ssl_certs.jks" file ?
      Because I have updated this keystore to add my own valide chain of SSL

      Is there a way to have more logs for this REST API ?
      Beacause when I try to sign in, I immediatly have this error "Error:
      Network Error
      ", despite of OpenAS2 server is running :

      2020-03-27 11:42:36.371 FINE OpenAS2Server: OpenAS2 Server v2.10.0 started.


      OpenAs2App WebUI

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      • Gabe

        Gabe - 2020-03-30

        Yes the keystore was cleaned before I add my wildcard certificate (3rd party CA signed), and the intermediate and the root certificates.
        I have also checked that my new keystore password was the good one.
        And I have already succesfully exchange thousand dummy files (encrypted and signed) between OpenAS2 and my other AS2 server.


        Last edit: Gabe 2020-03-30
        • Javier Munoz

          Javier Munoz - 2020-03-30

          In order to better trace the issue. Could you open up the Chrome
          Developer tools or the Firefox Dev Console and share your Javascript
          Console logs with me?

          Regards, J

          On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 3:43 AM Gabe

          Yes the keystore was cleaned before I added my wildcard certificate (3rd
          party CA signed), and the intermediate and the root certificates.
          I have also checked that my new keystore password was the good one.
          And I have already succesfully exchange thousand dummy files between
          OpenAS2 and my other AS2 server.

          OpenAs2App WebUI

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          • Gabe

            Gabe - 2020-03-31

            It seems Firefox is blocking :

            [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS... log.js:24
            Object { username: Getter & Setter, password: Getter & Setter, server: Getter & Setter, … }
            Password fields present on an unsecured page (http://). This represents a security risk allowing the theft of login credentials.
            Blocking a multi-origin query (Cross-Origin Request) : the "Same Origin" policy does not allow access to the remote resource located at http://localhost:8080/sockjs-node/info?t=1585649737000. Reason: failure of the CORS request.


            • Javier Munoz

              Javier Munoz - 2020-03-31

              Yes, it seems like.
              The REST API included in OpenAS2 has an open CORS policy enabled since
              its password protected.
              From the log extract seems like you are hosting the WebUI application on
              the custom test domain The instructions provided on
              the file are for localhost testing and development. The error you
              get is from the application trying to establish a Websocket connection to
              the localhost environment for debugging.
              Since you are not looking to develop the WebUI I would suggest you compile
              for production and just host the static files on any webserver.
              To compile the files execute: yarn run build
              This will create a "dist" directory with the static compiled files.

              And you can use any webserver like Apache, Nginx, PHP WebServer, Python
              SimpleServer, etc; to host those static files.
              Since you have Node.Js already installed you can use Connect and ServeStatic
              with Node.js for this:


              Install connect and serve-static with NPM

              $ npm install connect serve-static


              Create server.js file with this content:

              var connect = require('connect');var serveStatic = require('serve-static');
              connect().use(serveStatic(__dirname)).listen(8080, function(){
              console.log('Server running on 8080...');});


              Run with Node.js

              $ node server.js

              Then can now go to


              On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 6:24 AM Gabe

              It seems Firefox is blocking :

              [HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS... log.js:24is_logged Object { username: Getter & Setter, password: Getter & Setter, server: Getter & Setter, … }App.vue:29Password fields present on an unsecured page (http://). This represents a security risk allowing the theft of login credentials. a multi-origin query (Cross-Origin Request) : the "Same Origin" policy does not allow access to the remote resource located at http://localhost:8080/sockjs-node/info?t=1585649737000. Reason: failure of the CORS request.


              OpenAs2App WebUI

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              • Gabe

                Gabe - 2020-04-02

                Many thanks for your explanations.

                Unfortunately I have the same error :

                Object { username: Getter & Setter, password: Getter & Setter, server: Getter & Setter,  }
                click { target: button.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block, buttons: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, layerX: 17895698, layerY: 17895698 }
                Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). 2
                Error: "Network Error"
                    exports createError.js:16
                    onerror xhr.js:83

                To try I have changed "" by " but no success.

                Other point when I run compilation I have these errors :

                yarn run build
                yarn run v1.22.4
                $ vue-cli-service build
                â §  Building for production...
                 WARNING  Compiled with 1 warnings                                                                                                                                                                     18:00:25
                Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@vue/cli-plugin-eslint/node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
                error: 'mapState' is defined but never used (no-unused-vars) at src/components/LoginScreen.vue:31:10:
                  29 | </template>
                  30 | <script>
                > 31 | import { mapState } from 'vuex';
                     |          ^
                  32 | import store from '../store';
                  33 | import axios from 'axios';
                  34 | 
                error: Unexpected console statement (no-console) at src/components/LoginScreen.vue:50:13:
                  48 |             this.errormsg=null;
                  49 |             this.errored = false;
                > 50 |             console.log(e);
                     |             ^
                  51 |             var credentials = btoa(`${this.username}:${this.password}`);
                  52 |             var basicAuth = 'Basic ' + credentials;
                  53 |             this.loading = true;
                error: Unexpected console statement (no-console) at src/components/LoginScreen.vue:57:17:
                  55 |             .get(this.server +  '/',{ headers: { 'Authorization': basicAuth }})
                  56 |             .then(response => {
                > 57 |                 console.log("Login Response" ,;
                     |                 ^
                  58 |                 if( == 'OK') {
                  59 |                   store.dispatch('loginAction',{ user: this.username, pass: this.password , server: this.server });
                  60 |                 }else{
                error: Unexpected console statement (no-console) at src/components/LoginScreen.vue:65:17:
                  63 |             })
                  64 |             .catch(error => {
                > 65 |                 console.log(error)
                     |                 ^
                  66 |                 this.errored = true;
                  67 |                 this.errormsg = error;
                  68 |             })
                4 errors found.
                You may use special comments to disable some warnings.
                Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line.
                Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file.
                  File                                 Size               Gzipped
                  dist/js/chunk-vendors.56b8a0d3.js    170.38 KiB         58.59 KiB
                  dist/js/app.8d15464e.js              37.23 KiB          8.47 KiB
                  dist/css/app.48b88917.css            2.16 KiB           0.87 KiB
                  Images and other types of assets omitted.
                 DONE  Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
                 INFO  Check out deployment instructions at
                Done in 7.27s.

                But when I run again all is fine :

                yarn run build
                yarn run v1.22.4
                $ vue-cli-service build
                ⠌  Building for production...
                 DONE  Compiled successfully in 3114ms                                                                                                                                                                 18:01:00
                  File                                 Size               Gzipped
                  dist/js/chunk-vendors.56b8a0d3.js    170.38 KiB         58.59 KiB
                  dist/js/app.8d15464e.js              37.23 KiB          8.47 KiB
                  dist/css/app.48b88917.css            2.16 KiB           0.87 KiB
                  Images and other types of assets omitted.
                 DONE  Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
                 INFO  Check out deployment instructions at
                Done in 5.22s.


  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2020-04-07

    How can I update the source code to allow "" in the CORS policy ?
    Maybe I need to access "" instead of .

  • Christopher Broderick

    SSL certificates are mapped to domain names so you will need to access it using the same domain name as is on the certificate.
    For localhost testing you can try modifying the /etc/hosts (or equivalent if you are on MS Windows) and add the certificates domain there. It will only work if accessing the seerver from the same machine as the OpenAS2 server is running on. However, the trusted chain lookup may do DNS lookup of the actual IP of the host name which may make that unworkable.
    If you have access to your DNS settings then temporarily modify the DNS to point to your test machine if that is feasible.
    If you are using a wildcard SSL certificate then map DNS to something like and map that to your publicly accessible test machine.

  • Gabe

    Gabe - 2020-04-07

    My DNS is set up, I can access my server using the domain name.

    My question is on the login screen of the API REST, it's default parameter is "".
    Maybe I should use my domain instead ? I have try to change it in the "config.xml" in "baseuri" line, but the CORS error still appears. So maybe I should update the source code and run the compilator again ?

    My certificates added in "ssl_certs.jks" seems working, I have positive responses with openssl and curl on both servers launched by OpenAS2 and node.


    • Javier Munoz

      Javier Munoz - 2020-04-07

      Yes, you can do that. Since the certificate is set to the domain name, and
      you are using SSL in the config.xml base uri, the URL parameter on the
      login should also match.

      On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 9:36 AM Gabe

      My DNS is set up, I can access my server using the domain name.

      My question is on the login screen of the API REST, it's default parameter
      is "".
      Maybe I should use my domain instead ? I have try to change it in the
      "config.xml" in "baseuri" line, but the CORS error still appears. So maybe
      I should update the source code and run the compilator again ?

      My certificates added in "ssl_certs.jks" seems working, I have positive
      responses with openssl and curl on both servers launched by OpenAS2
      and node.


      OpenAs2App WebUI

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      • Gabe

        Gabe - 2020-04-08

        There is something I'm doing wrong because the CORS error still appears.

        When launcged the OpenAS2 server print :

        FINE RestCommandProcessor: Exposing the Jersey application at

        The connection the port 8443 works :

        curl -vv
        Connected to ( port 8443 (#0)
        Server certificate:
        subject: CN=*
        GET / HTTP/1.1

        User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
        Accept: /

        And by this way too :

        openssl s_client -connect
        depth=0 CN = *
        verify return:1

        Certificate chain
        0 s:/CN=*
        1 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ RSA CA 2018
        2 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ Global Root CA

        Server certificate
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

        But when I try to access the api there is this log of OpenAS2 :

        FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{Content-Type=[application/json]}
        org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.WriterInterceptorExecutor$TerminalWriterInterceptor aroundWriteTo
        GRAVE: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json, type=class org.openas2.cmd.CommandResult, genericType=class org.openas2.cmd.CommandResult.
        FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 500{}


        • Javier Munoz

          Javier Munoz - 2020-04-08

          API Response 401 corresponds the status "Unauthorized".
          Make sure you have the correct username/password.

          API response 500 corresponds to the status "Internal Server Error".
          According to the log you are missing a MediaBodyWriter for JSON.
          That most likely is a J2EE package that could be missing from your
          installation (JAXB).
          Oracle removed the J2EE packages from their download for Java 9+

          Which Java version are you using?

          On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 8:42 AM Gabe

          There is something I'm doing wrong because the CORS error still appears.

          When launcged the OpenAS2 server print :

          FINE RestCommandProcessor: Exposing the Jersey application at

          The connection the port 8443 works :

          curl -vv
          Connected to ( port 8443 (#0)
          Server certificate:
          subject: CN=*
          GET / HTTP/1.1

          User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
          Accept: /

          And by this way too :

          openssl s_client -connect
          depth=0 CN = *
          verify return:1

          Certificate chain
          0 s:/CN=*
          1 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ RSA CA 2018
          2 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ Global Root CA

          Server certificate
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

          But when I try to access the api there is this log of OpenAS2 :

          FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{Content-Type=
          GRAVE: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json,
          type=class org.openas2.cmd.CommandResult, genericType=class
          FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 500{}


          OpenAs2App WebUI

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          • Javier Munoz

            Javier Munoz - 2020-04-08

            Also please list the packages you have on your Server installation.
            The following dependencies were included in the POM.XML to address that

            On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 11:39 AM Javier Munoz wrote:

            API Response 401 corresponds the status "Unauthorized".
            Make sure you have the correct username/password.

            API response 500 corresponds to the status "Internal Server Error".
            According to the log you are missing a MediaBodyWriter for JSON.
            That most likely is a J2EE package that could be missing from your
            installation (JAXB).
            Oracle removed the J2EE packages from their download for Java 9+

            Which Java version are you using?

            On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 8:42 AM Gabe

            There is something I'm doing wrong because the CORS error still appears.

            When launcged the OpenAS2 server print :

            FINE RestCommandProcessor: Exposing the Jersey application at

            The connection the port 8443 works :

            curl -vv
            Connected to ( port 8443 (#0)
            Server certificate:
            subject: CN=*
            GET / HTTP/1.1

            User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
            Accept: /

            And by this way too :

            openssl s_client -connect
            depth=0 CN = *
            verify return:1

            Certificate chain
            0 s:/CN=*
            1 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ RSA CA 2018
            2 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ Global Root CA

            Server certificate
            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

            But when I try to access the api there is this log of OpenAS2 :

            FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{Content-Type=
            GRAVE: MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json,
            type=class org.openas2.cmd.CommandResult, genericType=class
            FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 500{}


            OpenAs2App WebUI

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

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