
CVS is up and running

  • Dominik Vogt

    Dominik Vogt - 2005-12-15

    I just got write access to CVS and set up the CVS module "opde".  Some hints on using CVS and the autoconf/automake/libtool stuff follow.  At the moment it's all Linux/Unix only, I've no idea how to do any of this in Windoze.

    1) For CVS write access, set set the environment variables

    (replace domivogt with your own username).  You may want to create a file .cvsrc in your home directory with some default cvs options:

    cvs -z3 -q
    checkout -P -kk
    update -d -P -kk
    diff -u -B -b -N -kk
    rdiff -u -B -b -kk
    release -d

    2) To check out the opde module from CVS to the local directory "foo", type

    $ cvs co -P -d foo opde

    3) To compile the opde sources on Linux, you need the packages automake (1.6 or higher), autoconf (2.53 or higher), libtool, the libraries Xxf86vm (part of the XFree86 and X servers), libGL and libGLU.  You also need the Irrlicht library installed somewhere.

    Step 1:  To set up the autotools run

    $ aclocal && libtoolize --force && autoheader && automake --add-missing && autoreconf

    After that you should have a configure script in the top level directory.

    Step 2:  Now configure the project with

    $ ./configure

    If your Irrlicht library is not in /usr/lib and /usr/include/irrlicht, you need to add some configure options.  For example, I have installed it in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include/irrlicht, so I have to run

    $ ./configure --with-irrlicht-library=/usr/local/lib --with-irrlicht-includes=/usr/local/include

    Step 3:  Compile the sources

    Just type

    $ make


    The instructions for building tarballs and making changes to the autotools files are in the file doc/DEVELOPERS.  If you have any questions, ask me.


    Some important rules of the road:

    * The autoconf setup *requires* that every .cc dile has the line

    #include "config.h"

    right at the beginning.  This file is used to adapt the sources to the system they are compiled on.  If you forget to include this file or include it too late, the project may be less portable.

    Building tarballs:

    The instructions for building release tarballs (opde-x.y.z.tar.gz) are in the DEVELOPERS file.  The process is quite touchy, so be sure to follow the instructions step by step.  It also explains the default version number scheme I use and how to change the version number.

    The ChangeLog file:

    In my projects I always use the ChangeLog file to log changes to the sources (see explanation in DEVELOPERS).  It's *very* usefull when a project matures, but may not be worth the effort to maintain at this early project stage.

    • Dominik Vogt

      Dominik Vogt - 2005-12-15

      Note:  Instead of the "aclocal ..." command line you can run the script

      $ ./bootstrap

      Sorry for the complexity of the setup at the moment.  I will try to simplify everything in the next couple of days.

    • Filip Volejnik

      Filip Volejnik - 2005-12-16


      I will now write a small intro into developers section, to explain the situation the sources are, and a few things about the further developement.



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