
#179 Doc change "readme"


This patch changes the following four documents in docs/branches/4.1.3/trunk/readme/
newinrelease.xml, readme.xml, unix.xml, and windows.xml

--- newinrelease.xml revision 9236)
Added word "from" in "These documents are accessible the SourceForge .."
Corrected typo in "Independent instalation packages .."
Corrected typo in "ooDialg 4.2.2"

--- readme.xml revision 9236)
Corrected prior version number in "based on the previous version of ooRexx™ (4.1.3)."
Corrected broken link ""
Note: Link points to outdated docs. Should we change it to ?
Changed "<citetitle>Open Object Rexx: Windows OODialog Reference</citetitle>" to actual title
Changed "<citetitle>Open Object Rexx: Windows OODialog User Guide</citetitle>" to actual title
Changed "<citetitle>Open Object Rexx: TCP/IP Socket Library Functions Reference</citetitle>" to actual title
Changed "<citetitle>Open Object Rexx: FTP Class Library Reference</citetitle>" to actual title
Changed "<citetitle>Open Object Rexx: Mathematical Functions Reference</citetitle>" to actual title
Changed "This document is in PDF and HTML format" to actual title

--- unix.xml (revision 9236)
Corrected filename in "rpm -i ooRexx-4.1.1-1.x86_32.fedora15.rpm"
also deleted second example (contains no additional information)
Identified missing text in "one of the ... refer to the documentation"
need help as to what was intended to replace "..."
Corrected filename in "tom@Loon:~/downloads$ dpkg -i ooRexx-4.1.1-1.x86_32.kubuntu810.deb"
Corrected broken link ""

--- windows.xml (revision 9236)
Uppercased "version" in "ooRexx version 4.1.3"
Changed wording ("that .. that") in "It is important that if ooRexx is installed by a user with administrator rights, that ooRexx is uninstalled by a user"
Corrected filename in "<computeroutput>ooRexx-4.1.3-x86_32.exe</computeroutput>"
Corrected filename in "ooRexx-4.1.3.x86_64.exe /S /D=C:\Program Files\Interpreters\ooRexx"

1 Attachments


  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2013-05-24
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Mark Miesfeld
  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2013-05-24

    Hi Erich,

    The patch looks good to me and applied cleaning. I'll commit the changes this evening.

    One thing though. Rather than put a comment in the patch where you are unsure, you should probably provide a patch of only what you are sure of and raise the question on the developer's list. Then you could provide a second patch for that part.

    Or hold off on the patch until you had clarified the part you are unsure of. I'm going to change the pointer to the doc location to the one place I'm sure the docs are maintained, SourceForge.

    Thanks for the patch.

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2013-05-25
    • status: accepted --> pending
    • Group: v4.1.0 --> v.4.1.3
  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2013-05-25

    Committed revision 9239. [r9239]

    Thanks again Erich.



    Commit: [r9239]

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2013-05-31
    • status: pending --> closed


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