
#414 oodialog 4.2 GroupBox caption alignment

ooDialog (102)

Using a resource script for dialog and creating a GroupBox with caption it's possible to align the caption text of the groupbox with BS_LEFT. works also in oodialog 4.2
But it's also possible to use BS_CENTER and BS_RIGHT but these keywords in rc file is not recognized by oodialog 4.2
GROUPBOX "Text", IDC_STATIC, 9, 170, 167, 30, BS_RIGHT
GROUPBOX "Status", IDC_STATIC, 9, 170, 167, 30, BS_CENTER

Could these 2 keywords for GroupBox also be added to oodialog


  • hex

    hex - 2010-12-29

    Actually it's only BS_CENTER that is missing and not working.

  • hex

    hex - 2010-12-29

    Well after some reading I understand that this request should be marked as invalid.
    According to Microsoft the text should always be in upper left corner of the box

  • Mark Miesfeld

    Mark Miesfeld - 2010-12-29

    Committed revision 6530.

    As you noticed, I had already added the code for the BS_RIGHT style. I believe from some comments I had in the code that I could not get BS_CENTER to paint correctly. However I got that working, so BS_CENTER is now supported.

    That the text should be on the left comes from Microsoft's guidelines. I'll leave it up to the programmer if he wants to follow the guidelines or not. I wanted the GroupBox class in ooDialog to support all the styles available. BS_LEFT, BS_CENTER, and BS_RIGHT are the only 3 styles that have an effect for group boxes.



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