
Inaccurate File Size in SysFileTree

  • Harv Shapiro

    Harv Shapiro - 2007-08-13

    I think this is a bug. When I use SysFileTree (REXX-ooRexx_3.1(MT) 6.00 15 Nov 2006) to look at file sizes on AIX 5.3, the sizes of files at about 10GB and up are shown as much smaller than they are.

    Has this been fixed in a later release of ooRexx?

    • Mark Miesfeld

      Mark Miesfeld - 2007-08-14

      It is not really a bug. Numbers returned from the operating system are currently restricted to 32-bit values.

      10GB does not fit in a 32-bit value. This problem should go away in 4.0 which will be 64-bit.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I think I have bumped into a bug or maybe a restriction not sure. I have the following code:

        Call SysFileTree "J:\backups\daddy\email*.*","file","SF"
        do i=1 to file.0
        parse var file.0 idate itime size attrib fname
        say file.0

        The "J" drive is a network attached via Linksys USB drive. Sysfiletree does not reflect the drive contents, works fine on my "C" , etc...

        Can someone enlighten me..

        Scott Ford
        IDF development


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