

  • Terry Gamel

    Terry Gamel - 2017-05-15

    The build instructions mention including the path for agtctl_i.c. That path is supposed to be:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include

    In newer versions of visual studio, the Include folder isn't there. I spoke with someone at Microsoft VS support and they couldn't find it in any version they had.

    I'm running VS 2017. Anyone know where I would need to look?

    • Erich

      Erich - 2017-05-16

      In newer versions of visual studio, the Include folder isn't there

      I'm working with VS 2015 and AgtCtl_i.c is definitely there in C:\Program
      Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include

      You may be missing one of the install options for VS. I remember, when
      installing, it was not obvious which options to choose. It was
      trial-and-error for me .. I'd still be interested to know which are the
      minimal required options.

      I'm running VS 2017. Anyone know where I would need to look?

      You might try to search it with DIR /S AgtCtl_i.c

  • Terry Gamel

    Terry Gamel - 2017-05-16

    yeah, did that. I'll go back and install everything and see what happens

  • Terry Gamel

    Terry Gamel - 2017-05-16

    Finally found it. It wasn't in one of the base "workloads"... I had added all those and still didn't have it. It was in one of the individual components. not sure which.


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