
Retrieving datasest from a Jcl using REXX

  • Harsha

    Harsha - 2011-04-26


    Am new to rexx, can some one help me out with the requirement

    I need to retrieve the dataset names from a job by making use of rexx

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-26

    being new to rexx is not an excuse for posting the same question on multiple

    You were already given a reasonable reply in the thread You started on another

    and the code snippet You were pointed to is more than adequate to extract the
    info You ask for


  • Harsha

    Harsha - 2011-04-26


    Its nothing wrong to get the help by posting them on different forums. I have
    an urgent requirement so am checking with them as well

  • George

    George - 2011-06-11

    This could be a case of an unqualified person who was recently hired. Anyone
    who has these questions and talks about JCL is overwhelmed and in BIG TROUBLE.
    IBM Manuals will answer all these questions and they are also the best written
    technical publications in the world.

    There is no quick answer. There is a very steep learning curve. The WORST
    thing would be to spoon feed this individual with solutions. Instead, RTFM!


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