
Configuring IIS server for ObjREXX

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello, I am trying to implement object REXX on an IIS v6 server and not able to get it to work. Could someone please let me know how to configure IIS to work with objRexx? Appreciate any help. Thanks, Jay.

    • Mark Harsen

      Mark Harsen - 2009-01-16

      If you still need this, email me - I believe we simply installed object REXX on the IIS server and made the first line of a .asp page: <%@ Language="Object Rexx"%>

      Most of my web pages are now written on object REXX and have been for years. If this doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll double check it. -Mark


    • Hagrinas

      Hagrinas - 2007-11-10

      I looked into this (actually with classic REXX) about seven years ago. The issue was that Microsoft's documentation said that you could use different scripting languages, and it listed VBS, Jscript, and REXX as examples, if I remember correctly. What they meant is that any scripting language could be used, provided somebody developed the interface for it. So while somebody COULD use REXX (assuming somebody implemented it) the reality is that it cannot be done simply by writing ooRexx code and telling IIS where to look.

      As far as I could tell back then, it could not be done. My apologies if things have changed since then, but Microsoft has no interest in having users code with anything non proprietary (or altered enough to screw you.) But at the same time, they don't want it to appear as if they slammed the Gates shut and closed all the Windows to keep others out. So if they define things in such a way that somebody could implement something like this, even if nobody does, then their excuse is that nobody read their arcane documentation, which was theoretically sufficient to provide the necessary hooks.


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