
#5 Previous/Next Document Window Title Still


When you click Previous or Next Document tool on the left toolbar, the document window title does not change to reflect the new document opened in the window.


  • Raymond Martin

    Raymond Martin - 2010-08-13

    Works for me. Try on different projects, open/closing OmegaT+ a few times to see if it is consistent. I have seen this sort of issue before and it is hard to trace to a specific cause, but has something to do with the docking desktop. Seems to come and go. But you might want to check your Java version is up-to-date for a starter.

  • Sadi Yumusak

    Sadi Yumusak - 2010-08-13

    Thanks Raymond, I also just realized it comes and goes... I didn't repeat when I re-opened the same project a little later...
    It seems we can forget this issue, and sorry for a newbie's haste ;-)

  • Raymond Martin

    Raymond Martin - 2010-08-13

    I will just close this for now, postponing any potential fix until late. The problem may or may not be in an external library, so I cannot be sure if there is an easy fix for it.


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