
OmegaT latest version 3.6.0 released

OmegaT 3.6.0 is the new Latest version of OmegaT, with 16 enhancements and 7 bug fixes.

It will be the last version of OmegaT compatible with Java 1.6. Future versions will require Java 1.8.

Online help is now opened in an external browser. If the documentation is not available locally, OmegaT tries to get the documentation from the Internet. The documentation was removed from the Java Web Start package, making it smaller.

The Editor performance for very large files was significantly improved. OmegaT loads only a part of the full document in memory, loading the rest on demand as needed. The number of segments to load can be changed in Options > Editor, the new name of the Editing Behaviour dialog.

It is now possible to move the cursor anywhere in the Editor by pressing F2. Pressing it again moves back inside the current segment.

Case-matching in the glossary auto-completer was improved.

The Notes pane now supports Undo and Redo.

The Search window now has a menu. It is possible to reuse an existing Search window (instead of opening a new one) with a shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F). For translators of CJK languages, it is now possible to perform a width-insensitive search (

Source and target files can now be opened from the Project Files window.

There are three new filters, for Java Properties XML, Schematron and Wordpress XML export.

The handling of whitespace and character continuation lines was improved in the Java Properties filter.

It is now possible to create dictionary plugins.

Using custom colours could affect the readability of text in dialogs. This is now fixed. The appearance under Windows "high-contrast" themes is also improved.

The Belarusian, Czech, Dutch, Hungarian and Norwegian localisations were updated, including the full documentation for Czech and Dutch.

The OmegaT Project always welcomes developers, localisers and users to contribute their experience, knowledge and insights to the software we release.

Donations are welcome:

Posted by Didier Briel 2016-03-09

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