From: Stephan P. <ste...@zo...> - 2017-07-26 08:33:10
hello, I'm trying to translate a xliff that xcode spat out from gui-files, but it contains lots of repitious untranslatables like "Table View Cell" a hundred times and "Text Cell" just as often, but they all have different autogenerated comments on them, like this: Class = "NSTextFieldCell"; title = "Text Cell"; ObjectID = "GwV-1L-Z1Q"; which might be the reason those duplicate segments are treated individually I suspect. any ideas? thanks in advance. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stephan Pakebusch Software-Entwickler *zollsoft GmbH*, Engelplatz 8, 07743 Jena, Germany Geschäftsführer: Dr. Andreas Zollmann, Johannes Zollmann Registergericht: Amtsgericht Jena, HRB 507075 | Vertrieb: 03641 - 269 41 <//03641%20-%20269%2041%2062>62 <//03641%20-%20269%2041%2062> Support: 03641 - 268 41 51 <//03641%20-%20268%2041%2051> Fax: 03641 - 268 71 83 <//03641%20268%20718%203> |