
#788 Allow custom sorting order of project files


Currently, the project files are sorted alphabetically by filename according to the applicable locale.
The segments within each project file are ordered by order in which they appear.

We have a large project (Help&Manual) with approximately 850 files. Each file represents a topic in the manual. The manual has a hierarchical structure like this:

Chapter 1 - topic 1 - filename chapter1.xml
1.1 topic 2 - filename topic2.xml
1.2 topic 3 - filename something.xml
Chapter 2 - topic 4 - filename as-a-first.xml

OmegaT now determines the order by filename as:
* as-a-first.xml (Chapter 2 - topic 4)
* chapter1.xml (Chapter 1 - topic 1)
* something.xml (1.2 topic 3)
* topic2.xml (1.1 topic 2)

Within the segments, the segment order is logical. But the structure of the manual is completely gone.

Functionally, it would be great if I could specify the order of the XML files for the whole project. This allows a translator to translate the manual as he reads it from start to end, and not jumping around topics.

One way (only for Help & Manual) would be to use the file Maps/table_of_contents.xml, which contains the manual's structure:

<topicref type="topic" id="404435890635644" build="ALL" modified="2011-02-21T14:33:33.388Z" icon="0" href="concepten_algemeen">
<caption translate="true">Concepten</caption>
<topicref type="topic" id="40443205559624" build="ALL" modified="2011-02-21T14:47:53.344Z" icon="0" href="gegevensbeveiliging">
<caption translate="true">Beveiliging</caption>

But that only works for H&M. Maybe a more generic feature would be welcome, such as an optional file listing the structure of the project files and not just sorting them alphabetically.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2013-12-23
    • assigned_to: Alex Buloichik
    • Group: 2.6 --> 3.0
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-02-10
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-02-10

    Implemented in SVN (/trunk).

    When a project is first loaded, files are sorted by alphabetical order (as before).

    It is now possible to sort files with other criteria, by clicking on the headers. There's a new column: Number of unique segments.

    It is also possible to sort the files manually, using the buttons on the right: Move First, Move Up, Move Down and Move Last.

    The ordered list is stored in the /omegat folder in the file files_order.txt. It This file simply contains the list of files in the required order, each file on a separate line. It is thus possible to provide it externally, for instance to respect a table of content.

    When new files are added in the /source folder, they will appear at the end of the list in OmegaT. If people want to them to be part of an automatic sorting, they can resort the list again by clicking on one of the column headers.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-04-14
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-04-14

    Implemented in the released version 3.1.0 of OmegaT.



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