Excel exports encoding seem to respect the data character set only when the format is "Unicode-16 encoded text file".
The result is a tab separated text file in Unicode 16 with the .txt extension. There does not seem to be a way to set the encoding to UTF-8 (at least not on Excel 2008 for Mac).
It would be easier for users if glossaries could be directly exported from Excel by using that format instead of having to later open the file in a text editor to convert that to UTF-8, since the file will then not open correctly in Excel...
The .txt extension has been assigned to UTF-8 files on user request.
To be able to accept also UTF-16 with the same extension, we have to do BOM detection.
I tested today on Excel 2008 to reply to Patricia on the user group and it seems Excel has problems exporting when multiple character sets are involved. It would be nice if Excel users had an "out of the box" way to create glossaries, hence the .txt in utf-16 encoding. I understand that it involves BOM detection too since we are using the same extension.
I implemented in trunk.
It supports only UTF-16LE. I think it is enough for Microsoft Excel.
If UTF-16BE should be supported or I missed something, please let me know that.
Implemented in SVN (/trunk).
It only supports UTF-16LE.
Implemented in the released version 3.1.7 of OmegaT.