
#1273 Enable use of LanguageTool remote servers or local installations


OmegaT bundles LanguageTool, but in the event that OmegaT lags behind the latest release it is useful to be able to query LanguageTool servers over HTTP(S).

This RFE adds support for

  • Specifying a URL to a server
  • Specifying the path to a local installation, which is used to launch the server

Choose from built-in, remote server (URL), or local server (path to languagetool-server.jar) in the Options > LanguageTool dialog.

In the same dialog per [#608] you can enable and disable individual rules; as OmegaT can only know about rules in its built-in version of LanguageTool, it allows manually specifying rules by ID as well.


  • Checking issues (per [#1271]) on an entire project when using a remote or local installation of LanguageTool is much slower than the built-in LanguageTool.
  • Checking issues on an entire project when using a remote server that you don't control (or have at least semi-exclusive access to) may amount to a DDoS on that server.
  • The public LanguageTool HTTP API forbids automated queries, so it is explicitly blocked from use in OmegaT. Please run your own server, or use one that allows such queries.
  • LanguageTool server includes a rate-limiting feature; if the server operator has enabled this and you go over the limit then LanguageTool checks within OmegaT will be disabled until the project is closed.

This RFE was initiated and mostly developed by Lev Abashkin, with some assistance from myself.


Feature Requests: #1271
Feature Requests: #608


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2016-10-03
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2016-10-03

    Implemented in the released version 4.0.1 of OmegaT.



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