
#1007 Connector to TaaS online service

glossary (22)

The TaaS service at provides terminology services in European languages. It allows accessing both public and private data, where private glossaries (called "collections") can be extracted from existing documents, and the target terms partly populated automatically from various sources.

OmegaT allows accessing the public part of TaaS without any registration. To access the private part, a user must create a key using The key must then be given to OmegaT using -Dtaas.user.key=xxxxx. OmegaT configuration launchers (OmegaT.l4J.ini, omegat.kaptn and contain a template entry.
When accessing the service without a private key, the following message will be put in the log:
TaaS API key not found. Go to to create your own key then give it to OmegaT with -Dtaas.user.key=xxxxx (TAAS_API_KEY_NOT_FOUND)

OmegaT allows accessing the TaaS service through two methods:
Options, Glossary, Browse TaaS Collections will allow browsing existing collections for the source and target languages of the project, and downloading them. Private collections are displayed in bold. The collections are downloaded as TBX glossaries in the current glossary folder.

Options, Glossary, TaaS Terminology Lookup, when checked, will allow querying TaaS data on a segment by segment basis. All collections (public and private) will be queried for the source and target language. To limit the amount of data, it is possible to select a specific domain with Options, Glossary, Select TaaS Terminology Lookup Domain. In that dialog, it's possible to select All domains or a specific one.

TaaS glossary entry descriptions will contain the TaaS domain. E.g.,
1. subjectField: TaaS-1501

They will also often contains "context" description. E.g.,
context: your source file , *translation memories* , glossaries ,
context: OmegaT exports three *translation memories* called level1, level2
context: you place such *translation memory* files in the
giving the context from which the source term was originally extracted. The source terms are marked with "*".

As the context information can sometimes be huge, it is possible to switch it on and off (for all TBX data, including non-TaaS one) with Options > Glossary > Display Context Information for TBX Glossaries.



  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-06-26

    Implemented in the released version 3.1.2 of OmegaT.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2014-06-26
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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