
Linux starting problems

  • Stefan Hofmann

    Stefan Hofmann - 2010-03-15

    Hi everyone!

    I have starting problems with ogre4j. I've read the Install-Doc in the Wiki.
    Is it right that I have to build ogre4j on linux myself? There seems not to be a prebuilt version in the sourceforge files list…

    What is this "org.ogre4j.eclipse_1.6.2.tar.bz2" file for?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Christoph Nenning

    > Is it right that I have to build ogre4j on linux myself?


    > What is this "org.ogre4j.eclipse_1.6.2.tar.bz2" file for?

    It's an eclipse plugin which you may use to write own ogre4j eclipse plugins.

  • Stefan Hofmann

    Stefan Hofmann - 2010-04-08

    Ok, I now finally succeeded in compiling Ogre 1.6.2 and Ogre4j 1.6.2 on my Ubuntu 9.10.

    Now I tried to run the example. It compiled successful, but at running the following message occurs. Do you have an idea how this can be solved:

    Could not load dynamic library RenderSystem_GL.  System Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at OgreDynLib.cpp (line 81)

    I found the "" file at /usr/local/lib/OGRE
    Do I have to copy it somewhere?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Christoph Nenning

    "" is loaded by OGRE at runtime. There are several options how to tell OGRE where it is located. The HelloWorld Example asumes that file in the working directory.


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